Title: Tales of A Time Agency - 19/?
Rating: 15 - NC-17
Pairings: Jack/Ianto but it’s the Time Agency so expect Jack/John, Tosh/Owen, Ianto/John, Tosh/Mary, John/ OFC, John/the consenting population of the universe……
Spoilers: Anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: Ianto Jones is thrown into the world of excess of the Time Agency
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Thank god on the cliche and John front. You know how much I love him, and so of course, that means a lot to meee. :D He does need a lot of hugs yes, and I am very impressed with your spelling lol, I keep mistyping her name all the time. But I am just very honoured that you like how I write him.
And yes, very tense boys, heading straight into the realms of danger full on. And of course Ianto got jealous, though in answer to your question I think it is impossible to define them. I mean they are partners really...they just don't know it yet.
Well John had to save somebody I felt. :P But hey at least they hve their happy (ish) ever after. More than what poor Ianto and Jack or Tosh and Owen have anyway! haha I am evil.
But thank you so much! You and your comments are far too nice, but are also greatly appreciated. :D
*mega hugs*
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