Title: Playing with Shadows - Phantoms Never Sleep 6/?
Rating: I like to swear, so 15.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Rest of the team, new group of alien nasties.
Chapters: Sequel to “Where Mortals Fear To Tread”
Spoilers: Set series one, post ‘’Cyberwoman”, but anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: When Ianto suddenly falls very ill,
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Comments 20
That was...oh so painfully perfect.
Poor Ianto...and Jack, having to make that decision...
Oh...but Ianto loved his new life, and ahh you've now got me wanting him to enjoy Lisa and Jack!
I really really loved this. This chapter, and the writing in it surpasses most of the fic I've read...ever!
Well done!
I really really seriously don't know what to say other than:
WOAH, you are AMAZING.
And *squish hugs*
Also, your song is made of win! I love it. Haha YAY NIN! :D
*cookies for you, and frappacinos. Obvzzz* :)
I aim to please!
Yeah...it's so hard to make him sad...:( But...as you say, Jack misses him so much...and he doesn't quite know what he's sacrificing...I just hope Ianto doesn't hate him forever for doing that...:(
Yes! It was so well written!!!! :)
Thankies for reading.
I'm glad you think so! After reading this I kind of gave up doing anything and went to bed becasue I knew from the very first sentance that this was all I was going to be able to think about for the rest of the day! That comment was my last peice of even slightly elequount writing of the day!
You did it perfectly, my 'awwww happy ending!' side wanted to be happy for Ianto becasue he got the life he always dreamed of with Lisa but then my Janto fan girl jumps around screaming 'THIS ISN'T REAL! ITS THE PHANTOMS AND IANTO'S HEART IS ONLY GOING TO GET BROKEN!'
Oohhhh I'm intruged!
*hugs back* Your very welcome after all, what is the purpose of this reveiw if not to say the words that are obviously true?
Oh yay! I can't wait!
Your so welcome hunny!
Cuddles and hugs,
Ahhhhh sorry!! That last sentence was evil.....but I do feel so honoured by what you've said, its beyond lovely. If it helps I really am aiming to post more (could be chapter seven in two parts because its so long!) tonight. :D
YAY! *happy dances* I'm so glad that I managed to get that across, its what I felt when I was writing it.
Well yes.....but that was just beyond a wonderful comment, really you had me grinning madly all night! :D
*more huggles for you*
I read what lambsendbeds wrote and I'm so happy about this comments, I'm so proud of you and proud someone else think like me. I'm so exhausted that I can leave you a big comment. But, I just want to say I love what you read and the end was fantastic;)
Prends soin de toi ma belle
Nadinexx:)Gros calins et big hugs
Don't worry about the comment, I'm just so pleased that you've enjoyed this!! (those teens haven't been wearing you out again have they?) But thanks so much for staying with my writing, it does mean so much! :D
Prends soin de toi
Prends soin de toi
Nadine :)
Please do push me though, because I want my writing to be as good as it can be. But thanks so so much, for believing in me and telling me I have talent. I never really thought I did until I started writing!
Prends soin de toi :D
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