Title: Playing with Shadows - Phantoms Never Sleep 6/?
Rating: I like to swear, so 15.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Rest of the team, new group of alien nasties.
Chapters: Sequel to “Where Mortals Fear To Tread”
Spoilers: Set series one, post ‘’Cyberwoman”, but anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: When Ianto suddenly falls very ill,
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Poor Jack. He's trying so hard to get Ianto back. I really like the way you tied in the Phantoms in the story with the phantoms of the people he's killed in his memory. I also really like the way you have him going over everything the Phantom said to him, even writing it down. His pain at wondering why Ianto why Ianto might have taken the choice the Phantom offered. I must admit that I wonder about that myself. As I said, as a Janto girl I hate to see anything tear these two apart-but it wouldn't be much of a story without struggle and conflict,would it? And you're writing it so well!
I think the idea to drive the Phantoms out by freezing the victims is BRILLIANT! Kudos to you for such cleverness.
On to the last part. The scene with Ianto coming home to the empty house is so eerie. When he found Lisa's body my heart almost stopped.
"And then Ianto remembered. He'd seen it all before"
My heart broke all over again.Poor,poor Ianto. He's been through so much already...to have to relive this is beyond imagination.
Jack will help him through it,right?
You should be proud of yourself for this story. You are growing as a writer and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. *offers chocolate covered Ianto* *sits back and waits for you and naddy to dance*
Its breaking my own heart writing this, because I'm having to try and cram so much emotion into each chapter! I'm glad I managed to describe the Lisa Utopia effectively though, it was the most difficult part.
Haha the phantoms do keep popping up dont they? But wow, you liked all that? I honestly don't know what to say, but I really feel so honoured. Thanks so much! So true though, we have to have a bit of conflict in the Janto camp once in a while. :P
Thank you!!! I thought it might be a little far fetched...(because this story is so realistic :P) Although as the next chapter may explain, all is not as it seems.
Well lets hope so. But the phantoms havent finished with him yet.....
Thanks so much though, this comment really has made me feel so proud! I really can't say thanks enough, this comment made me feel so much better! And a chocolate covered Ianto? You soo spoil me!!
*dances crazily* :P
Thank you!!
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