Without You

Sep 14, 2008 21:09

Title: Without You

Rating: PG (I’m behaving)

Characters: Jack, Ianto, Jack/Ianto
Chapters: All in one.

Spoilers: Anything Torchwood could be hinted at. Set after Exit Wounds, although not hugely spoilery.

Summary: Jack might be immortal, but that doesn’t mean Ianto is haunted by the fear of losing him.

Disclaimer: Regrettably I own nothing, none of ( Read more... )

ianto, jack, torchwood, fanfic, just_being_me08

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Comments 24

naddypants September 14 2008, 20:38:17 UTC
First, I haven't heard Ohne Dich in AGES! And you just reminded me of how brill it is. :) And that was totally fitting to the lyrics!

That was such a fab story, you captured Ianto's feelings so perfectly!

I really genuinely loved it so so much!

And thank you for the dedication! :D

And once more, I loved that. And I'm so glad Ianto has his Jack to come back to after his run to the shop!!!


*whistles* Chapter 2 has just been beta'd.

*hands round Captain John choccies*



just_being_me08 September 14 2008, 20:48:28 UTC
Its an immense song, and the lyrics (unlike some rammstein songs) as really quite gorgeous. Lurve it!!

Thanks so much though sweetie! I honestly didnt know what I thought about this myself, could never decide if I liked it or not. I just thought I go on a Ianto exploration trip lol.

So glad you loved it though!!! No problemo about the dedication, you're worth it!

I'm jealous of Yan now though, why isn't there a Jack waiting for me when I come home? :(

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! *does ridiculous dance*

Cpt John choccies? You spoil me!! I'll get you something great when you post hehe :P



naddypants September 14 2008, 21:04:37 UTC
No problemooooooo!
Yeah I totally agree. Mein Teil is a perfect example of not so gorgeous lyrics! LOL

Seriously, I'm just glad to support such fab writing!! :) But I really loved that piece!

Hahaha how could I not love it?! And awww thankies!

Yes. I totally agree. What I wouldn't give to have Jack and Ianto waiting for me after school....*imagines...then flails*

*joins silly dance*

Haha well only the best will do!!
Ooooh it's posted! It's posted!!!!



just_being_me08 September 14 2008, 21:41:19 UTC
Haha Mein teil......so very true. Although if you haven't translated Zwitter of Feuer und Wasser then.... :P

AWWWWWW!!! You do make me smile ridiculously alot! Thanks soooo much!!!!!

Haha every fangirls dream *joins in the flail*

*silly dances the night away*

And yes, it was bloody amazing woman!! I'm jealous!!!



morgia September 14 2008, 20:47:05 UTC
I thik its lovely. You really have something special in your written, you are young and you are already great. Continue to write, always, its an advise some one told me years ago, and now I can tell you my written are very good. Really, I believe in you (LOL Well, I think its the teach in me who talk, but really I appreciated what you write ;))
Your fidel fan and honest friends ;)


just_being_me08 September 14 2008, 20:52:38 UTC
Awwww thank you!!! Je ne sais pas quoi a dire! (if that makes sense :S)

But thank you so much! I will continue writing, especially after all the support that I have received from you! :) It means so much to me that you believe in me and my writing. (I don't mind it the teach talking, you've made me smile!)

Thanks so very much!

Your true friend
Si :)


morgia September 14 2008, 22:20:07 UTC
lol Your sentence in French make sense ;) I'm so happy I'm make you smile and I think its important to have someone to believe in you. A writer live in a constant anxiety, so maybe I can help a little bit ! Ho, but be certain if its not good, I will tell you too... lol Yep, its hard sometime to write ;)
Prends soin de toi
Your friend and fan, hug


just_being_me08 September 14 2008, 22:46:31 UTC
Yay! I'm glad it made sense, don't want to make myself look stupid lol :S
It is really important to have that support and belief from you, as you're so right, being a writer your always worried about what people are going to think.
And thank you! Please do tell me if I write something bad, thats what I want, honest comments mean the most after all!

Prends soin de toi

Your friend Si *hugs* :)


_miss_daisy_ September 14 2008, 21:20:28 UTC
Oh I loved that. You've captured Ianto's feelings well. I'm glad he has Jack to come back to.


just_being_me08 September 14 2008, 21:43:53 UTC
Thank you!!! I had no idea what people would think of this!
So am I, afterall if he didnt, Id have nothing to write about :P


hab318princess September 15 2008, 10:35:28 UTC
OMG - that was so good and just wow!

Off topic: There is a Ianto/Jack video on YouTube with that song - now sure if you know about it - it's really good.


just_being_me08 September 15 2008, 21:25:39 UTC
Wow! Thanks soo much! :D

There is? Ooo I didn't know that....thank you, I'll have a look for it :)


skullgirl013 September 15 2008, 19:55:35 UTC
*gulp* Oh wow! This was amazing! So heartbreaking and powerful ( ... )


just_being_me08 September 15 2008, 21:43:05 UTC
Wow! Really? You sure? I honestly wasn't sure about this piece lol, nearly didnt post it......Glad I did now! Thank you!

Of course your one of my golden girls!! You really think I wouldn't have been after all these comments you wouldnt be? :O

A top two? For a one shot? Wow!!! Thank you!!!

Arg sorry! Didn't want to make you cry into your class! Although I am honoured that you were reading my stuff there! Wow, thank you :)

And in reply to point 3, thank you sooo much.....I really don't l know what to say. :)

Goodness me? A none torchwood person reading my stuff? And liking it? *jaw drops*

I don't believe it, I really do feel so honoured! I can never believe that people like my stuff, so this was such a lovely surprise! Thank you so much! Amd say a big thank you from me to your friend Frances too! :D:D *grins* I feel very proud.

Your very honoured writer (thanks to the both of you!!)




skullgirl013 September 15 2008, 22:03:54 UTC
Yup this was brillaint you shouldn't have worried about posting ( ... )


just_being_me08 September 16 2008, 22:13:12 UTC
Awwwww!!! You really do say the sweetest things!!

I'm glad I could honour you there, it was the least I could do after all sweetie! :D

And awwww, my turn to be honoured.....again :P

Well, I used to be just the same in my IT classes, I just wish I'd had LJ back then, would have helped me get through them SO much!! haha

Glad I could be your saviour from the IT boredom though, at least my work is good for something :)

Well she's very welcome. As long as she knows that it is appreciated! :D If she does, then fill me in on what she thinks! haha

I do feel very proud, honestly. Fro what you've said, I can only feel prouder!

Your honoured writer,


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