The End of the Causeway | Wednesday | November 16

Nov 16, 2011 22:09

It'd been an easy decision. Once Robin had told him that she'd gotten a job offer and they'd talked about it and decided she couldn't pass it up, it'd been a very easy decision. After many years on the island, it was time for Fraser to go. Robin had gone ahead while Fraser put all their affairs on the island in order. He'd made sure that he could manage MHA things until someone new came along and wanted to take over that position. He'd cleaned the apartment and sent the last of their things along to where Robin had already gotten them settled.

Now, it was time to go. He'd stopped at the end of the causeway to take a moment to just think about the time he'd spent here and the experiences he'd had. Beside him, Dief was quiet and still. He seemed to know that leaving was quite the deal and wasn't trying to run away or find food.

He'd carved out a good life here on Fandom. He'd met someone and he'd fallen in love. He'd made friends that he'd never forget and he'd experienced things that he'd always remember. But, it was time. It was time to go and time to start a new era of his life. He wasn't getting any younger but he still had a lot of life to lead.

With a wistful smile, he looked down at Dief and smiled. "Come on, boy. It's time to go."

Dief barked and they both turned and headed down the causeway before disappearing quietly.

[And that's it for Fraser! Thank you so much for letting me play him for so long! NFI, of course, but OOC is fine!]

time to go, bye bye fandom, final post

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