OOC: MHA Apartments

Jun 23, 2011 08:36

To make it look like I'm spamming, I thought I'd throw this post up in case there were any incoming (or still around) adults that were looking for lodgings for the upcoming semester. MHA's got a few good men openings that are yours for the taking!

Take a look at the spreadsheet here to see what's open! The layouts for the apartments are here (floors 2, 3, and 4, here (basement), and here (main floor).

Just let me know if you'd like to snatch one of the open spaces! Conversely, if I've got your adult on there and they've left/moved, feel free to let me know as well so I can clean up the spreadsheet!

ETA: And MHA's full up! Does that mean it's party time?

ooc: mha apartments

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