Apr 24, 2005 16:04
Michelle was so late last night...i got really worried bout her...like saturday night is mine and michelle's night u know?...its our guarunteed time together everyweek...otherwise it just doesnt work...i thought she was sposed to be here btwn 1030 n 11 so when she hadnt shown up by 1120 i was gettin worried...tho i dont think that watching the nip/tuck episode with the rapist case in it really helped but neways...she eventually showed up close to 12 n i gave her a hard time for a bit but not really so ya...we watched like 4 episodes of nip/tuck...i dont watch it often but when i do i watch it for hours...it always has to be a fuckin marathon when i finally tune in...ugh...neways then we watched Big...a movie that i havent seeen in yeeeeeeeeeeeears!!! n we talked during commercial breaks...it was so funny she was so out of it...and we got a craving for oreos and diet coke...so we went to go get some from 711...i love how i just walk out my front door at 3 am...lol...the guy at 711 thought we were so stoned...which is half true...i wasnt...lol...we were so nuts...and weve decided that were gonna buy lotto tickets every sat night and if we win nething we will split it 50/50 lol...i love michelle...ima miss her so much when she goes to monterey...at least that isnt tooo far though...im so still keeping my saturda nights with her...o and wat else...o yea i finally talked to my cuz Kristin lastnight...i missed her so much...itd been months since i heard from her...she was...like most everyone else...entirely too thrilled bout mine and jons break up for my liking...it just makes me feel like an idiot sometimes u know?...like everyone else sees so much wrong with him and i dont...i mean i know he can be a complete and total jerk off sometimes...and i wanna kill him every now and then...but for the most part i think hes a sweetheart...does that mean my good guy radar is just totally on the fritz or am i just weird?....neways i may go out and see kristin this summer...not may...i will damn it...i havent seen her in close to 2 years and i miss her...bunches...y must the only family member that i actually like live in boston?! oy vey...so yesterday was passover...i totally forgot till mum called me and said HAPPY PASSOVER BABY!!!...i was like o erm yea happy passover mum...whoops...i miss mum a lot...im such a mamas girl u know?...until she was forced by my evil family to move to florida i had never spent more than a few weeks without her...and that was when i went on vacation!!! i mean i was coming back then...but ugh now...i hate this so much...i mean if my life wasnt fucking hard enough already!!! i now have my mother living in fucking humid ass fuckville florida...i hate it there...i mean its nice for vaca but for an extended period of time it sux...i stayed there a whole summer once...ugh i hated it...my hair would go crazy...granted part of that could probably be attributed to the fact that i was around 11 and i didnt understand the concept of cosmetics entirely but its curly so it goes boink!!! i mean jew fro major!!! ugh i dunno wat to do with mum...now they think she may have chromes disease!! as if the need for a liver transplant isnt bad enough...o and i came to a good realization today...i watched the Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex wit my dad...its an old Errol Flyn movie...and i think i finally understand y jon broke things off...he loves me...he knew hed hurt me with the way that he is right now so he broke up with me to prevent it...even though that hurt me...he didnt wanna wrong me u know?...like essex let elizabeth behead him bc he knew he would wanna take her throne if she pardonned him...i know i know slightly different...but same principle...tehehe...so i called jon...i didnt expect him to answer at all...i mean he hadnt even txtd me since our fight on friday...but he did...and he sounded happy not annoyed...i was so glad to hear him happy...hes going to dinner and a movie with his rents...that makes me wanna peee its so good!!! lol that sounds really wrong...but he agreed to see me after the movie so im really happy...i just wanna chill wit him...and we talked for a good 20 mins....or rather i talked and he let me...there was so much i wanted to tell him bout my belt test n the interview and michelle and ugh just everything...oy vey....i miss my buddy in him a lot...i mean granted i miss the lover in him that is to be expected...but i miss my friend jon the most...he is my best friend...he and michelle are my best friends...i love them so much...im so glad i hav u 2 at least...i mean i know i have michelle shes never faltered in her friendship with me...shes prbly better to me than i to her and thats usually rare for me...so im not gonna take advantage of that u know?...and jon...i just need to cool it...all will work out in the end...i have no idea how...its a mystery!