Let's meet a couple of the brats:
First off we have Hart (pronounced Heart). Hart is an
idiot. And you see, it all went downhill right off the bat when
his parents gave birth to him and gave him that froofy name. They
should have named him Fart instead, because he reminds me more of an asshole
than a symbol of love. His parents were way off. Bottom
line, boys don't have sweet 16's, NOT EVEN GAY ONES!
Congratulations on being fucked up.
Next we have... well I don't know her damn name, and I don't need to
know it. We can just call her Bitch. My favorite thing
about Bitch is that she said, "It must suck for people that don't have
money to get the things they want." Really Bitch? You
think? Come visit me sometime, and I'll show you how much your
life can suck. I'd give anything to see this one get a job.
I'm talking shoveling horse manure, cleaning toilets, or any form of
manual labor you can conjure. If anyone can make this happen, I'd
be truly grateful, and entertained. Thank you!
Last but certainly not least, we have my personal favorite... dun dun
dun.... AVA aka QUEEN OF EVERYTHING I LOATHE. Her father spent
$200,000 on her party, including her new Range Rover, which she cried
about because she did not receive it on the exact date of her party;
she received it the day after or some shit. Her mother took her
to Paris to get dresses (that's right, multiple). And she didn't
buy one there after all the trouble, because she's a picky little hoe,
and did not like any of them. Instead, she got them custom
made. In conclusion, this whole situation makes me want to
vomit, but I can't because I haven't eaten over the thought that people
like these actually exist.
Yes, I do feel better now that I got all of my resentment and contempt
for these kids, and ones like them out in the open. It's fine to
be rich. It's fine to be lucky. But to not appreciate it
makes me hope you get robbed by the mass quantities of mexicans that work for you. Have a nice life being petty, materialistic, superficial, egotistical, and spoiled!
I have an idea... let's make YET ANOTHER show where spoiled, rich
bratty teenagers act like dickheads and abuse their parents'
money. We can call it, "WHY THE FUCK WERE WE BORN" or "DECAY OF SOCIETY". It will be great.
If anything, they need to make a follow up to this show called, "We started out rich and beautiful, but now we have venereal disease." I may not live to see it. But to know, it could happen, makes me feel at ease.
In closing, I'll have you know I wasted 20 minutes of my life writing this instead of studying. Yay Me!