Mar 05, 2007 14:18
I've decided to leave Columbia, no amount of money is worth giving up my dreams. I just put in my two weeks notice and will be moving to Baltimore to attend Towson University.
I'm not really known for making quick decisions, in fact I'm known for over thinking just about everything I do but today on my lunch break it dawned on me that maybe thinking over a problem doesn't mean much if by the time you've decided on a course of action life has passed you by. I'm guilty of doing just that and because of it I've lost touch with almost eveyone I care about, in fact if it weren't for Cori I don't know that I'd have spoken a word in the last 3 or so years. That's over, I'm sick and tired of worrying about if this is the right decision so I'm just going to do it and we'll see.