WoW Makes me Want to go Postal.

Jun 12, 2010 19:21

I don't know if I'm just cranky, or if people are just extra-stupid today.  It's probably a little of both.

I faction-switched my Belf hunter to a Nelf hunter, and I figured I'd head to Outland to do the Alliance-side quests in Hellfire.  I was just starting to get the first series underway when I got an offer to group.

I rarely ever group, but it goes faster when you do, and I figured I'd give it a shot.  The existing group consisted of a DK (the party leader) and a rogue, both level 58 (my hunter is level 63).  We farted around, killed fel orcs and picked up wood and metal for a bit, then the DK yelled 'FOLLOW ME'.

When she ordered me to follow her (the toon was female, so I'm referring to her as a 'she'), I stopped, and asked her what she was planning.

I always do this, because you just never know.  Some people are fucking stupid enough to try to solo a Fel Reaver at level 58, or they rush headlong into a group of higher-level mobs.

She was heading into Hellfire Citadel.  My latency is still shit (because I'm still on satellite net), and I can't do instances.  I stopped, and told her that.  Her response, again, was 'FOLLOW ME' (yes, in all caps).

I once again responded that I can't do instances due to latency issues.  And, once again, she said, 'FOLLOW ME'.  This went back and forth for a few minutes, and she never did answer me when I asked her what, exactly, it was she wanted to do.

The only answer I got was 'HELP'.

That should've been my first hint to drop group and GTFO.

I went back to help the rogue, who was still killing mobs and collecting materials.  The DK finally showed up, and tried to get us to follow her yet again.

I told her which quests I still had to do, and I told her I was doing them.  She followed along for a bit, then tried to get me to follow her yet again.

I did this time, fully intending to let her enter the instance alone, because I wasn't going in.  I'd told her that already, several times.  Maybe she'd finally clue in.

Turns out she was just trying to cross over to the other side.  Why couldn't she have said that in the first place?

When we got to the other side, we both had to do the quest where you burn the fel orc catapults.  I start heading toward the catapults, she heads toward Thrallmar.  I had no idea what the fuck she was doing, but I trailed behind.  Maybe she knew something I didn't.

Nope.  She ran in, then ran out with a group of pissed off Horde on her ass.  She died.  When she finally finished her corpse run, I asked her why she ran into Thrallmar?  The response, 'THAT'S WHERE THE QUEST IS'.

Ummmm.  No.  It isn't.

She then ran into another angry group of orcs, and got killed again.  I waited for her to do another corpse run.

I then asked her about five times if she was using any sort of addon - QuestHelper, Carbonite, whatever.  No answer.

Then, she started running through orcs and boars, aggroing everything in sight.

Jesus H. Christ.

Then, she suggested I help her get a flying mount (since I had one, and she was able to type several times about how luuuuucky I was - she had no problem stating that repeatedly, even though she couldn't answer a simple fucking question).  The only way to get one is to buy one, so that's the only way to 'help' - fork over money.

I finally got fed up and logged out.  This is why I decline most group requests.  I just can't stand the sheer stupidity that's inflicted on me.

I'd love to have a semi-intelligent leveling partner, but haven't been able to find one yet.

And, my former leveling partner (the one who'd tell me she couldn't make it five minutes before the session was finished) just messaged me out of the blue, asking me if I wanted to level again.

I was like, O_o.

Fuck, no.  I have better ways to waste my time than sit there for almost two hours waiting for someone to show up so we can level for five minutes.

When I declined, she did a video tribute to one of my toons, and completely misspelled his name.


Is there ANY intelligent life out there??  I thought this game was supposed to be fun.

wow, epic fail, are you kidding me, rants

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