From 15_minute_fic Word #214

Jan 07, 2012 10:30

Title:Faith and Will
Barry, Amy, Fran, God:
PG-for Angst and Off-Stage Death:

Faith and Will
by Veep

Barry sat down on the bed frustrated by the conversation. About some subjects, there was just no getting though to his cousin. She had her mind firmly fixed on her beliefs and iron clad trust in her faith. Realities like operations, complications and possibilities meant nothing in the face of her conviction that the Almighty would take care of her mother and make things right.

When Barry had informed her of what the doctor's said, Amy had dismissed it with statistics of her own. Aunt Fran was from sturdy Cumberland stock. The women lived to be ninety and the men, at least 83, so the fact that her aunt, Barry's mother, had contracted cancer only meant that God was testing her aunt Fran's faith. All anyone need do was pray.

Barry placed his head in his hands and tried to tune her out. He had enough to worry about, because he was on the threshold of losing his mother. They had fought through the years, especially when she had shown back up in his life after a ten year absence. Even then, she was distant and cool.

Nothing was ever mentioned about where or why she had disappeared and for a long time that was enough for a child. Of course, Fran had deemed her return a miracle and something that should God should be thanked for at every opportunity. Barry never felt comfortable with such illusions. He was always on alert, waiting for his mother to take off again.

They both looked up as the doctor walked into the waiting area. Barry saw the set of his jaw and understood what was happening. Fran waited for good news.

"Mr. Sanders," the doctor said, placing a hand on Barry's shoulders. "I'm sorry."

Barry's eyes filled with unexpected tears as a wash of sadness, grief and relief spread over him. The doctor's strong hand on his shoulder felt like an anchor and he felt peace. Behind him, Amy screamed as her belief clashed with God's will.



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