Lucy likes the boppy, tooOriginally uploaded by
junquegrrlAfter being elevated, but stable for a long time, Lucy's kidney numbers have finally started to rise precipitously. This means that her kidney disease is n-stage, and explains her loss of appetite and weight-loss - which is what brought us to take her in to the vet's this week to begin with. The doc told me today that unless we can get her appetite back, thus improving quality of life, it's time to consider... well, you know :-(
I am so sad. Lucy's been my constant companion for a long time. I've probably said this here before, but she's seen me through thick and thin - not only both my parents' deaths, but meeting and marrying Eric, and now the birth of our daughter. I've had her for twelve years after rescuing her off the street in 1997.
The vet is recommending the sub-cutaneous fluid injections every day or every other day now. Lucy - obviously - hates this and so do we. We'll do it, but if it doesn't make her feel better by successfully flushing the toxins, or it makes her more miserable then the kidney disease to begin with, well... And even if we can make her more comfortable, this is sort of the beginning of the end for my little Lu-lu...
Oh, my poor sweet kitty.