Statham Legacy Generation 2.0

Mar 19, 2007 09:44

After a weekend of Simming I'm back with Generation 2!

Times were tough in the legacy household. When I returned I found the twins, Jason and Joshua lying on the floor outside of their cribs.

I realized I never got a good picture of the father, whose name is Greg!! Hot no?

Jocelyn was a fairly attentive mother to the twins, of which I'm not sure who she's holding.

That is of course, when she's not complaining. "I only have one usable counter and there's rotten grilled cheese on it!!!!"

Greg is trying to work his way up the medical ladder and failing miserably. This is his 4th or 5th day without promotion.

Soon it's time for the twins birthdays, make a wish.

Because throwing your baby won't get social services called...

First up, Joshua. CUTE!!!!!!!!!

Jasons turn...

and he's cute but what the hell is up with that hair???? Baby comb overs are not cool yo.

So we bathe...

...and we potty train.

"I am less than amused. I thought having a legacy was supposed to be all fun and skillzing!" You're a family sim dear and you want 3 kids to graduate college. No skillz for you.


We finally wrangle the babies for a minute and I snap a pic while everybodys in the green. It doesn't last long.

Yeah, no words. The kid is outside. In the snow. In his jammies. Mom is totally unconcerned. *facepalm*

Because everybody's in the yellow/red I forget that it's the kids birthdays and they grow up.


Joshua. They both grew up well and learned to potty and talk. Sorry quadrupeds.

I think they turned out pretty cute.

So now that the toddlers are children the house needed a remodel and this is the point where I become a cheating whore. Its not easy with only one sim working who sucks at it.

The twins are immediately BFF.

"Must. Sleep. Away. Life."

"WTF! I went to school on my first day and they didn't deem me a complete and total genius? Not cool!" Both boys are disappointed with their grades the first day. Shocker.

I go looking for Greg and he appears to be busily writing his medical thesis. What he doesn't know is that somebody already did the whole "This is your brain on drugs" thing. Silly man. No wonder he hasn't been promoted to Intern yet.

Since the kids are exhausted Jocelyn does their homework for them. She's such a kewl mom.


"I H8 U"

These are the most involved Sim Parents evar. All they do is hang out with the kids as you'll see.

"Dad, can we go on vacation somewhere?"

"No way dude, that EP hasn't been released yet!"

"I can't wait for a snow day mom!"

Meanwhile the boys are talking about BFFs on the bed.

Dual nerdship. Now because she wants 3 kids to graduate from college and I'm lazy I adopt a kid because both boys are already cute enough to be heir.

I have come for ze children! No wait, I'm dropping off today.

This cute little guy named Amin is now the third Statham child in Legacy 2.

Everyone loves him immediately.

Not only that but he pulls his weight around the house. AMIN FTW!

"You're a lot fatter than I thought you'd be." That wasn't nice though.


Lets build a snowman! We can make him our best friend!

We can call him Shannon! Shannon Wilson Bell!

This is where it all goes downhill. Jason runs out to hug Greg because he's finally home from work. cute right. Except he's in his pajamas. In winter.

A roach catches his eye. I didn't seem them because of the snow. So he starts obsessively stomping on them. In his bare feet mind you.

Boo-Hoo Roaches!

Pretty soon everyone's out stomping on roaches when they're not sidetracked by fireflies and wham.

The whole family is sick with the flu. Awesome.

Finally they're all well and spring hits. Everybody outside!

The lovefest continues. This family seriously can't get enough of each other.

"Dad's very mechanical when he woo-hoos. Loosen up Dad you're like a robot!" Thats not weird or anything.


Everyone hangs out and talks to each other on opposite sides of the bed right?

"ZOMG WTF!!!!!" Yeah, you all know what that mean.


Craig is the only one with any sense.

He shows up and douses the flames unprompted.

Water balloon fight!

"Dad? Can we get a puppy?

"They're, like, man's best friend and stuff"

While everyones away at work/school Jocelyn fishes and catches some but I have no idea how to cook it so I mount them.


Birthday time for the boys!

"Yeah baby, I'm sooooooooo hot" Jason rolls Romance (great). He likes girls with custom hair and fatness. He hates underwear. Aw yeah baby. Lady killer alert!!!! I hate to break it to him but the fatties need control top underwear.

Joshua turns out vvvvvvvvvvery cute. Me thinks he might be heir. He rolls Knowledge. He likes blondes and vampires (wtf). He hates stink. Me too dude.

Off to Uni. Meanwhile we wait for Amin to grow up the next day.

As far as I can tell slide = pain.

Birthday time!

Not bad. He's not biological anyway so he isn't in the running for heir but he's kinda cute.

Off to college you go! See you next update!

That's all for now. Stay tuned for future updates - next time it's the college years. Comments, as always, are greatly appreciated.

statham legacy

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