(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 08:29

I know I haven't updated in a few days...who cares anyways...I've been either out, sleeping, or playing CoH so that pretty much sums it up...Watched the lighting game at Large's house with Chris, Josh T, Josh M, Dixie, Teresa, Emily, Alexis, Allison, Khalil, and Debbie...go lightnings....anyways after that Allison, Dixie, and Josh came over to my house to play pool and hang out...the next day consisted of wal-mart and random driving with Dixie...and now it's today...who knows what I'm gonna do today...I didn't sleep last night...it's almost 9am...not tired....my foot is killing me...

Now for a stupid survey

F I R S T:

First job: Dry Ice - Int'l Mall
First screen name: TheGr8Oreo
First funeral: My neighbor
First pet: Willy, black cat
First piercing/tattoo: Industrial
First credit card: eBay Visa
First love: duh.....
First enemy: some mean kid when I was like 3

L A S T S:

Last car ride: coming back from tampa w/ dixie
Last kiss: who knows
Last library book checked out: Dry - Augusten Burroughs
Last movie watched: Harry Potter POA
Last beverage drank: Milk
Last food consumed: Cereal
Last time showered: Yesterday evening
Last CD played: Um....CD's = no
Last website visit: IGN.com

N O W:

Single or Taken: Extremely pathetically single
Birthday: 6/21/85
Sign: Cancer/Gemini
Hair color: French Roast brown
Eye color: Hazely-Brown-Green
Shoe size: 11
Height: 6'1"

Right Now, what are you...

Wearing: Boxers, White undershirt, Plaid overshirt
Thinking about: why I'm awake
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