Jun 23, 2009 08:32
Yesterday was a very good day! First I got the job at this music school! The boss called me, telling he was very impressed by my personal appearance, the written application and that I was so flexible to come and help out. I knew it! So he asked me how much I was thinking of teaching there, and he is quite fine with what I was suggesting. So I will start to help out on tuesdays from july on, as they already need someone teaching a group of recorders,and from september I will get the whole tuesday students of a former teacher. Payment is really good, condititons and school couldn't be better right now!
My oboe lesson was great too, I played a Lebrun Concerto on the classical oboe, it was the first time I played in class on classical. He was very impressed by my technical standarts, even this instrument was new to me, I didn't sound like it was. He said I should think about playing that for my next exam. hm yes... but I hope I will have my own instrument then. This one I can't borrow so long and unfortunatly I will have to give it back this week :-( I just found out how to make reeds for it and already have to give it back, that's so annoying. Oh about the classical oboe reed: I make them a hybrid of modern german style and american oboe reed scrape with a modern oboe d'amore fasson on a vienna oboe staple. Maybe I should photograph one for you. The global oboe reed.... Omnipotential btw....
Cornetto was funny, i was told that what I am trying to archieve is on the right path and i got a better instument to borrow. Today I will go and listen to those who are already able to play pieces and not beginners like me. The workshop was very interesting so far.
all these strange instruments,