it's been a long day...

Jul 18, 2010 01:14

Just finished watching an old episode of Saturday Night Live with Joseph Gordon-Levitt hosting :) I love him, he's just adorable, and supposedly like a big kid, haha.

So today was very tiring, but really good. I finally moved out of my apartment at school! I haven't really lived in it since the fall semester ended in December. So this past semester and during the summer, I was just making day trips down there and moving things out. A friend of my mom's stayed there a few nights because her daughters are going to the same college I just finished with, so that worked out nicely for them. Plus they moved my bed back home for me, so we got something out of the deal. It just feels good to not have to worry about that place anymore and paying for rent anymore either! I still have one last electric bill for July, but it shouldn't be very much. We took my mom's car and my car and we packed it to the gills with the stuff I had left there. Now that it's all home, the house feels very small, lol. There just isn't any room for it. We can put some in my sister's room after she moves her furniture out. Unlike me, she has been living away from home for the past year and never sleeps at home anymore! haha. I am determined to be on my own as soon as I finish school. Sadly it's gonna be another two year, I wish it were sooner, but there's just no way.

So after we got the cars unpacked, my sister came over and stayed for dinner. She has a cold and I wonder if it's the same one I had, well still have a little, it's taking awhile to go away completely. We watched the movie "Brothers" with Jake Gyllenhaal, Toby Maguire, and Natalie Portman. It was surprisingly depressing, no happy ending with that one. I really loved Jake Gyllenhaal's character in this one, plus he's always easy on the eyes! haha. I really need to see "Prince of Persia"!

Well I better get to sleep... my body hurts from today (moving boxes and such), I think some advil and a good rest will help so much. Good night internetz!
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