Gift Fic for koshifuri

Nov 05, 2012 22:03

Title: The Light of Your Eyes
Pairing/Group: Yamasaki Kunta/Muro Tatsuki (Veteran), other characters: Takizawa Hideaki, Kikuoka Masahiro
Rating: NC-17 for violence and other adult scenes
Warnings: Mental disorder, violent sex games, language
Note: Dear koshifuri, I hope I got it at least a bit right and you will like your story.

“Hey, Masa. What are you still doing here? Rehearsals closed about an hour ago.”

Masahiro blinked in surprise. “Ah, good afternoon, Takki-kun. You’re visiting us today?”

“Yes,” Tackey nodded. “We’re still looking for background people for Yuma.”

“I see,” Masahiro sighed. “Well, at least you’re picking from our crowd.”

“Do you want to apply?” Tackey offered.

“Oh, er… I’ll think about it,” Masahiro answered with a smile.

“Okay,” the other smiled back. “Just tell me when you change your mind.”

“Right, thanks.”

“So, why are you still here again?” Tackey asked again.

“Oh, I… actually, I came back,” Masahiro explained. “I forgot my ipod and I want to practice at home.”

“Why, that’s very work-bound. Thank you for your efforts,” Tackey bowed slightly.

“Really, Takki-kun, you’re weird sometimes.”

Tackey merely chuckled. “Go, get your ipod, then.”

Masahiro merely nodded and rushed to the dressing room he’d left the device in. As he opened the door his eyes grew wide and he shrieked in shock. Tackey turned his head at the sound. As he saw the frozen boy standing in the door he frowned, moving closer to the scene.

“Masa,” he called out. “Are you okay?”

The boy did not answer, however. He merely kept staring into the room. Finally feeling really unsettled Tackey moved next to him to see what had scared the boy so much. As he saw the inside of the room his breath hitched and his heart skipped a beat - just to resume the pumping of his blood at doubled speed just a second later.


In the room Kunta was sitting on the floor, sitting astride another boy, who he guessed was most probably Tatsuki. That alone would have been a surprising sight. However, the scene had more details that were pretty horrifying. First of all, both of them were close to naked. Then, apparently the unconscious guy was… well, inside of Kunta. Apparently they had been `playing´ alright. But somehow that game probably turned out wrong. Kunta was holding a knife, the blade and his hand was painted bright red and the boy on the floor did not move an inch. It seemed that Tackey’s voice caught Kunta’s attention. The young man turned his head, taking in the two figures standing in the door.

“Hey,” he said quite casually. “Could you please… close the door? Tatsu and I are playing a bit.”

Tackey’s guts twisted. The boy looked perfectly relaxed, joyful even, not a trace of distress on his face. As if he was doing the most casual thing.

“Run, quickly,” Tackey whispered to Masahiro, “get help.”

The other merely nodded quickly and rushed off.

Kunta looked after him for a second, but then focused back on Tackey.

“And you want to watch, I take it?” he sneered. “Or,” he lifted the knife, presenting it to Tackey, “do you want to play along?”

“Kunta-kun,” Tackey tried carefully. “What is this? What are you doing?”

“Tatsu and I are just playing,” the other just kept smiling. He turned his attention back to the young man lying on the floor. “Ne, Tatsu? We’re just playing a bit, right?”

Tackey ventured into the room, biting his lip nervously. He could see how Kunta stroked Tatsu’s lifeless face lovingly. His eyes glittered with joy.

“You’re so beautiful like this,” Kunta whispered. “The full red colour against your beautiful pale skin, your body calm and relaxed… I can still feel it in me, you know. It’s all lax, though. Oh, how I’d want you to fuck me now. It would be so good.”

“Kunta,” Tackey addressed him once more. “Maybe you should…”

That time around it seemed he had annoyed Kunta. The younger man detached himself from Tatsuki, pulling himself off his soft length. Then he quickly got up and turned towards Tackey.

“Tatsu is feeling tired now,” he said evenly. The knife was still in his hand, the blade glittering dangerously. “So why don’t we play a while?”

Tackey stiffened, backing away slightly. “Kunta…”

“You will be really beautiful,” the other muttered. Again his eyes shone with glee and the smile on his lips was so innocent it was sickening. “Your skin has the most delicate colour. Let me see what it looks like.”

“Stay away,” Tackey demanded.

“Oh, Takki-kun,” Kunta crooned. “It’s okay. Trust me, you’ll like it. I’ll make it feel good.”

“Why?” Tackey asked, feeling panic rising in his body. He knew he could turn and run - at any time, the door was wide open - but he feared the other might follow, or worse, throw that fucking knife after him and who knew what could happen. “Why are you doing this?” he demanded, feeling helpless.

“Why?” the younger man blinked. For a second he seemed to think about that, then he merely shrugged. “It’s just for fun.”

“F-for fun?!” Tackey demanded in a quivery voice. “Are you fucking kidding me? Does he look like he’s having fun?” He pointed at Tatsu.

“He sure was having fun before,” the younger man stated simply. “I let him fuck me. It was good, but I wanted to feel inside him too.”

“So you fucking cut him open?” Tackey shrieked. “You most probably killed him.”

“He’s just exhausted now,” Kunta told him. “We haven’t done this in a while.”

“You…” The other stared in disbelief. “You do this regularly? But…”

“We enjoy each other,” Kunta explained. “But he would never let me inside his body. So today I cut my way through. He feels good. Warm. Soft.”

Tackey heaved heavily. He felt his head swimming and for a second he feared he might pass out. He could not, though. The other would cut him open and let him bleed out.

“I… I…” He felt nauseous, like he’d throw up any second.

The second later a bunch of people rushed by him and into the room. His eyes swished around and he sighed in relief as he saw that finally a nursing team and police officers were filling the room. His legs finally gave out and he sank to the floor, trying to get some support against a wall. He watched, but his vision wasn’t clear, like he was looking through some kind of veil. Even so he could make out how the police took care of Kunta. They took the knife from him with seemingly no effort. Probably he had been surprised and thus they could handle him more easily. He was handcuffed in a matter of seconds. When Tackey shifted his gaze to Tatsuki he saw that a team of three people were already treating him to the best of their abilities. He didn’t see much, though, because they too only took a few seconds to get him ready for transportation and next they set off with him. Finally Tackey dared closing his eyes as eventually he passed out.


White. That’s what Tackey saw as he opened his eyes. Bright white. So bright that it angered his eyes. He blinked several times, trying to get the stinging feeling to go away. After a few seconds the room shifted into focus. It was really white for the main part. The walls, the windows, the doors, the curtains. Just his bed showed the silvery glitter of steel and the empty seats were of wooden colour. He sighed, trying to sit up. Nobody was there and he frowned. How come nobody was… maybe they were seeing Tatsuki? His eyes shot open and he quickly shot up. Fortunately he was not handicapped in any way and as he left the room he found that it was merely a relaxing room, not one for patients. He thought that was pretty fit too. Then he rushed off. He had to find Tatsu. The boy had to be around somewhere. As he arrived at the counter he was already panting hard. The nurse was frowning at him.

“Hey, no running.” Then she expected him more closely. “And didn’t they just bring you in with a break-down? You should take it easy.”

Tackey merely shook his head. “Muro Tatsuki,” he blurted out. “Where is he?”

The nurse was still frowning, but she went to check through her folders. Tackey bit his lip in anticipation. She had to find him. She had to.

“Ah,” she made, grabbing a file that was still lying on the counter. “Right, Muro. He was just brought to the third floor.”

“Is he okay?” Tackey wanted to know.

“I am not a doctor,” the nurse told him, “so I cannot really tell you. But it seems they’ve brought him from emergency to intensive, which isn’t the worst thing to happen.”

“Okay, that’s good,” Tackey nodded. “Which room?”

“It’s 315,” the nurse told him readily, “but I don’t know if you will be admitted.”

“I’ll give it a try,” Tackey decided. “Thank you very much,” he smiled at her.

Feeling a bit more at ease he decided that it was okay to take the elevator back up. As he exited on the third floor, he almost ran into a group of doctors.

“Oh er… sorry.”

The men merely considered him for a second, then resumed their earlier conversation.

“Ah, sorry,” Tackey cut back in. “I… I was wondering. I would like to see Muro Tatsuki. Is that possible?”

One of the doctors turned to look at him. “Not quite, no,” he told Tackey. “The patient is sleeping now.”

“Please, how is he doing?” Tackey asked anxiously.

The doctor inspected him skeptically. “Are you family?”

Tackey had seen enough medical dramas to know the answer to that question. “Yes, I am his brother,” he lied. “How is he?”

“Well,” the doctor mused, “he’s still in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood. Fortunately he stabilized quickly.”

“So, he is stable,” Tackey urged.

“For now,” the doctor explained. “It hasn’t been long enough to actually say that he is stable. For now he stabilized and if things stay as they are he will be stable in a few hours. Look, I can’t promise you one hundred percent yet, but I think he’s going to make it.”

Tackey nodded. He felt slightly relieved, but a hint of doubt remained.

“Thank you,” he said politely and finally retreated.

It was a bit disturbing, but he understood that he could not do anything for Tatsuki at the moment. So he decided to find Kunta instead.


“Hi, Takki.”

Tackey bit his lip. The boy was waving happily at him. The psychologist had already prepared him - Kunta was out of this world somehow. He didn’t remember the exact wording of the diagnosis, but apparently Kunta was in a condition where he could not estimate any kind of consequence of what he was doing. He hadn’t thought that such a thing was possible. That Kunta had really had no idea that Tatsuki would bleed to death if he cut into him, but as he looked at him he was starting to believe it.

“I don’t like it here,” the young man complained. “When can we leave? I promised Tatsu that I’ll treat him on dinner tonight.”

Tackey flinched. “Ah… we’ll have to stay a bit longer, I’m afraid.”

Kunta’s face fell. “Why?”

“Well, you know…” Tackey licked his lips. “Tatsuki… isn’t feeling well.”

“Oh?” the boy made, looking honestly sorry. “What’s wrong with him? Can I see him?”

“Not right now,” Tackey opposed.

“Why not?” the other demanded. “I want to see him. I want to see if he’s okay. He was just sleeping when the police came. They said something bad happened. I didn’t notice anything.”

“Gas,” Tackey explained. “There was a gas leak. It was dangerous, that’s why we had to clear the building.”

“Oh,” Kunta dragged out. He seemed very focused on that piece of information as if it was something new. “Why is a leak a bad thing?”

“Er… well, if there’s a leak, gas will come out,” Tackey explained. “It will mix with the air and it’s bad when you breathe it in.”

Kunta frowned but nodded. “It’s not good to breathe something different from air.”

“Right,” Tackey nodded.

“Is that why Tatsu is not here?” Kunta asked. “Did he breathe that in?”

“They are checking on him,” Tackey assured him. “He will be okay. It just takes a bit of time.”

“Okay,” Kunta sighed. “But I really hope they’ll be done soon. I’m hungry.”

Tackey actually had to smile at the cute pout. “Tell you what, I’ll go outside and check when we can leave, okay?”

“Can’t I come with you?” the younger man asked.

Tackey looked at him, not really knowing what to say. “I need you to please stay here,” he finally said with a smile. “I expect other people will be coming and they’ll want to know what happened. Will ou inform them?”

“Oh, sure,” Kunta nodded.

“Thank you, Kunta-kun.”

With that Tackey got up and walked out the door. Once outside he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

“I understand,” the psychologist said, “it looks really bad right now. We still have to check his history. It’s not common for such a syndrome to show at such an age. He will be okay, though. I know he looks like a mess now. But there are good meds and he will have therapy.”

“Please, take good care of him,” Tackey requested before he fled the building.


“Wow, Kunta-kun, that’s a nice picture,” the nurse said appreciatively. “Who is that?”

Kunta looked up from drawing his picture. “It’s Tatsu,” he smiled brightly. “We’re friends.”

“Oh, you must be close friends, you seem to like him a lot,” the nurse smiled back at him.

“Yeah,” Kunta nodded. “He’s my best friend. He will visit me today.”

“Oh really?” the nurse asked cheerfully. “That’s nice.”

Kunta nodded before he turned back to resume his work. His eyes caught someone at the door, though. His eyes began to sparkle and he waved excitedly.

“Tatsu!” he called out.

The nurse looked and saw a young man standing in the door. He smiled, gesturing for Tatsuki to come in. After a second’s hesitation the young man opened the door and walked in. Kunta got up from his seat and flung himself at the other, hugging him tightly.

“Tatsu,” he sighed. “I’m so happy.”

The other stiffened. The doctor had explained everything to him. Apparently Kunta was doing very well, his sense for reality had kicked back in very well. They had decided to imprint the story of the gas leak into his mind, though, to save him more suffering. Tatsuki willed himself to stay calm. A moment later Kunta drew back to flash him another bright smile.

“So, you’re finally feeling better?” he asked cheerfully.

Tatsuki bit his lip for a second. But then he straightened himself and smiled back at the other.

“Yeah, finally,” he answered. “They said I have fully recovered.”

“That’s great,” Kunta said gleefully. “Mariko-san said I’ll be fully recovered soon and that next week I can go back home.”

“That’s really cool.”

Yeah,” Kunta nodded. “Then I can finally treat you on that dinner I promised you.”

Tatsuki blinked at the other, then he chuckled. “You still remember that?”

“Of course,” Kunta pouted. “How could I forget?”

“Well then, you will treat me on dinner?”


“Can I choose?”


“Anything I want?”


“Then I choose lobster.”

“Eh? But… no wait, that… that’s too expensive.”

“You said anything.”

“Oh… okay. I’ll do anything, just to make you happy.”

Tatsuki smiled, feeling relieved. Finally they could go back into a normal life. A new life that they could share and enjoy together.


This is it. I really hopeyou like it. ^_^

p: muro tatsuki/yamasaki kunta, r: nc-17, g: veteran

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