All things considered...

Oct 02, 2008 15:58

Colonosopy went well-all clear! Wheeee! Okay, now we need to do am endoscopy-down the throat for a look see. Dearly beloved son took me on the 30th. I have peptic ulcers! There's the reason for my anemia (no symptoms, though-a good thing) ANOTHER pill-up to 11 a day now, and Nexium ain't cheap!
Got home on Oct 1, voice mail reminding me of an appointment with a diabetes educator on Friday the 3rd, at 10 am. Ooooookay. Minor detail--nobody told me! Apparently, my endocrinologist's office set it up and failed to tell me! Called and canceled until I got a referral (done today). I'll call and set up THAT appointment. . And I get to have another endo procedure on the 28th of this month. Helluva reason to have lunch with my kid. But, at least, I'M STILL HERE!!!!
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