Sep 05, 2008 16:12
So, I get home from work on Thursday, the 4th. Phone rings, I answer. This is X from Dr. Y's office. Your blood test came back indicating anemia. You need to come in for additional tests (more blood, apparently). No problem-on vacation next week, so totally do-able. Next sentence--you need to have a colonoscopy to rule out any other problems, since anemia can be indicative of some gastro-intestinal issues. Swell, just swell!
I have the appointment for that next Friday. My dearly beloved son is taking me, since DH used up his vacation among his mom, dad and my recent issues. (and yes, it means I'll be home alone all week, getting reeallllly friendly with the porcelain throne.)
I have assumed the name"LITTLE BLACK CLOUD", which makes perfect sense to anyone who has been keeping up.