School! Moment 15

Oct 06, 2010 14:57

I guess my morning was good.
Somehow I woke up ONE MINUTE before the time my alarm rings (what the fudge....) so I just got up.
I felt bad waking up my mom because she's so tired and exhausted from school and work.
Her boss is so evil.
I hope my mom gets a new job and she leaves her boss, so we can rub it in her face and laugh when her boss's store gets shut down.

1st Period: Algebra II Honors_
I guess this class is okay, except we got crazy homework.
There are fractional exponents!!! > <"
It's not hard, it's just new.
And it looks all complex.
We gotta make sure that the [fractional] exponent doesn't look like a part of the coefficient and it's completely insane. D:

At least I'm almost done(:

2nd Period: Latin II_
We took our quiz today(:
It was numbers 1-50.
I so aced it :D
If not, Mrs. Guzman is going to "come to our house, knocking on the door, crying".
Awwww...!! D:

Erin: Actually, I think that'd be pretty funny.

3rd Period: Civics Honors_
So.... civics.... it was actually QUIET. For once!
Jeremiah, I just learned today, has ADHD.
And he took his pill today for it and now he got all quiet and stuff!!!
It's so weird because, usually he's really loud and stuff.....
It was weird. And quiet.

Insanely quiet.

Like, it was so quiet, you could hear a man shout "WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!" outside our window.
No kidds.

Right now_
OMG. I swear. I'm going to get a Korean language keyboard here.
I swear, there are sooo many things I have to say.
But I can't say them.
It's offensive. D:
Well, not swearing-offensive, or provocative-offensive but like.... "Awww, that's so mean. D:" offensive.
And I don't want to be a mean person.

At least not in this class...

Side Note: This class is boring me.
It's killing me soooo much because it's SO. BORING.
I'm going to wait till Computer Apps I and I'm going to make sure it's a challenging class.
I frickin swear.
This class is too easy and the kids here are too....... SLDKFJAKJF.
Some of them need to face a smack across the face.
By me.
But of course, again, I can not be mean in this class.
Stay quiet, and look good to the teacher- who already loves me :D

e., bored, asdfjkl;, jungee_sue, school, jungee, bleh, moment, e, sue, jung, 15, blah, jung e. sue, school!

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