Happy turkey day, Americans! I had a lot of pie, how about you? I'm so thankful for a lot of things; my family, my friends, my health, all the things I am blessed with in life, and for food. Definitely for food. I'm also thankful because I'm making decent progress on my novel, and better yet, it's pretty coherent!
Our Thanksgiving family is the extended Hutchins family, meaning exclusively Mimi's branch of the family. Mimi, Simon, Knox, Kaylynn + 1 (or possibly two, she's got super-fertility so I think the pregnancy scanner is lying by telling me only one), and Natalie, as well as Simon's alien kids Io and Selina. Haha, guys, remember I was dedicating a whole story to them? It was totally stupid, and out of shame for my failure to make them interesting I've kind of been hiding them. But I've decided they're allowed to exist minus all the plot, so it's all good.
(oh god why did I make her pregnant Knox isn't even relevant anymore and how am I supposed to think of a decent name? I asked my brother for Natalie's and he named her after a character from a book series I don't even like, it's like I can't trust anyone...)
(Putting in Natalie's name in the tags also brought up "nativity" as a suggestion. HAHA I'M IN THE NATIVITY AGAIN THIS YEAR, YOU GUYS. I'm an angel and I get to wear giant fluffy wings. I get to stand in one position for like the entire Nativity, no lie.)