Hi, everyone! If you remember my
last post, we're now onto part two of the 15 characters meme! In this round, I will post the scenarios and based on the actions of the characters within, you guys will guess who's who. See last post for further details, and I will post the characters on the list as people guess correctly. Additionally, once everyone is accounted for, each "prompt" will have a little drabble+ added onto it, because some of them just warrant further explanation. Most likely, none of these drabbles will be canon, but if one could conceivably be, I will note it. onward!
1. Ivy Copur
2. Chrissy Lidner
5. Mimi (Granger) Hutchins
11 and 5 are out and about together and come across a homeless person asking for spare change/money. What do they do?
5, ever empathic, really wants to give the homeless person a dollar. However, 5 has spent all her money on a new pair of pink high-heels with silver sequins. But while 11 isn't quite as eager to lend a dollar to a hobo, she has a soft spot for 5. 11 gives 5 a dollar, and 5 in turn gives it to the homeless person.
It's Christmas time and 13, 7, 8, and 3 live together and are decorating their house! How does that work out for them? :P
13 doesn't do shit except hang up the mistletoe and make a bunch of jokes about it, but none of her roomies are amused. 8 and 3 lead the decorating efforts, and 3 spends a lot of time making sure everything is perfect and neat while 8 is determined to make the Christmas baubles as expensive-looking as possible. 7 doesn't really want to do anything, but gets swept up in 8's positive energy. 3 is a bit pissed off that 13 isn't doing anything, but he doesn't really want a confrontation, especially not with his favorite uncle's wife.
2 caught 11 shoplifting! What do they do?
11 isn't really the type to shoplift, but 2 is definitely the sort to mess around with people. In my mind, 2 leads 11 to believe she thought she saw 11 shoplifting to mess with her. 11 will angrily try to convince 2 otherwise and tell her to stop making a fuss, and after about ten minutes when 11 is about ready to strangle 2, 2 will laugh it off and run away. It will only be later that 11 realized that 2 made off with a candy bar. xD
4, 7, and 11 are trapped in an elevator together for a few hours, what would they do?
I'm pretty sure they all would bitch about it for awhile and probably kick the elevator several times each or button-mash the "door open" button. 11 would pull herself together eventually, but 4 and 7 would bitch constantly until they're let out. 11 would probably start to sing to pass the time, but 4 and 7 would bitch about that, too. 4 would bitch that 7 is in her space, and 7 would bitch that 4 is in HIS space, and 11 would be very exasperated by it all until SHE started bitching too. 4 would probably be the worst, because she has very powerful bad moods.
How would 13 and 1 feel if they could never see each other again?
They've never met, so I don't think they'd be too bothered. They wouldn't really get along, I don't think.
8, 2, and 12 have a sleepover. What happens?
They would all be very confused, because I don't know how 8 and 2 would even meet 12, or how 8 and 2 would even be friends, anyway. 8 and 2 know each other through other people (2 is seeing 8's cousin) but I don't see them being very friendly. 12 would make the best of it, but 8 and 2 wouldn't really go along with it because 12 is older than them. 12 would tell a lot of scary stories about aliens and murderers, and conclude each tale with "And this ACTUALLY HAPPENED." 2 would think 12 was bullshitting, but 8 would be scared. 8 would serve gelatin, which 12 would refuse. 2 would probably leave early because she has way better things to do, and 12 would yell at 2 for being rude.
3, 9, and 6 go hiking. What happens?
9 would be totally into it, 3 would be kind of interested but bring along a couple books anyway, and 6 would like to spend time with 9 and 3, although he wishes his best friend could have made it. (The best friend wasn't having any of "this hiking bullshit," for the record.) 9 would be a bit too adventurous and wander into a poison ivy patch, and 3 wouldn't touch him because poison ivy's contagious. 6 would scoff at that, but he doesn't want to get poison ivy, either, so poor 9 has to suffer the whole way home until he can take a bath.
12 and 13 go to the mall together. What do each of them want to shop for?
I don't know how this trip would be arranged, because 12 and 13 have never met, but even so. 12 would be looking for good sci-fi thriller books and maybe a fancy new telescope, while 13 would want to get some lingerie and maybe a book or two. 13 would ask why 12 doesn't have a boyfriend/husband to wear lingerie for and make 12 feel awkward.
4, 5, 7, and 1 are playing truth or dare. 4 dares 5, 5 dares 7, 7 dares 1, and 1 dares 4. What would they be asked to tell/do, and who would go through with it?
First off, I have no idea how three adults and one teen, one of whom is legally dead, would get together for Truth or Dare, but that's not really the point. 4 asks for a dare, which is to do a backflip on the couch. 4 accepts, falls on her face, and sulks for the rest of the night. 5 asks for a truth, and 4 gets her to tell an embarrassing secret: when 5 went away to college, she took a pretty pink necklace of her mother's! 7 asks for a truth ("I'm not falling on my face, OK, guys?") 5 asks a perfectly innocent question: Do you have a girlfriend? 7 flushes and mutters darkly under his breath about things being "complicated" and that it's "not your business," and also sulks for the rest of the night. 1 asks for a dare, which is to fly through the next-door neighbor's open window. 1 refuses and when the others tease her, she scares them with her fangs.
3, 6, and 9 go to a house that is supposedly haunted. Who sees a ghost, and who is the first to chicken out?
Since 3, 6, and 9 are a likely group to hang out, their two drabbles will be canon, kinda. Anyway. 3 isn't so sure about this (supernatural shit intimidates him) but 6 and 9 drag him along. They see a ghost, which excites all of them but also freaks out 3, and he leaves. 6 and 9 go on exploring, often remarking about how cool this is. 6 uses his adventures to scare his little sister and girlfriend, who scare rather easily. Girlfriend is impressed but little sister is just scared.
1 gets 14 pregnant and they keep it a secret, but then 8 finds out!!! What happens next?
Damn it, this makes no sense whatsoever, because 1 and 14 are both girls, 1 is happily married, 14 is underage and dating 1's son, and poor 8, 1's daughter, really isn't investigative and I don't even know how she would find out. DAMN IT DANI. What happens next? 6 wakes up from his really weird nightmare and resolves not to eat Skittles right before bed again.
If 2 were to write a story, what would it be about? Would 6 read it?
2 would probably write a thinly-veiled autobiography about how much her life sucks and she hates her parents. I don't think it would really be 6's cup of tea, considering he really doesn't know what to make of 2 in the first place.
Start guessing, people! :D