I am absolutely TERRIBLE keeping up with this.
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Now, how do I phrase this to avoid sounding conceited...
Well, I am very imaginative. I doubt a lot of people can entertain themselves for hours at a time with merely the workings of their mind. (I've had a lot of practice during car rides, that one last hour you [or at least I] always have left after big exams, waiting for buses and carpools from school and rehearsals, etc.) I do get lost in my daydreams; just today I snapped out of it to find everyone bustling about and I had no idea what was going on.
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Bagels. Ice cream. Pizza. Good books. No school. Popcorn (the GOOD kind, mind you; I make it myself with popcorn kernels and vegetable oil. The kind you put in your microwave in a bag is not only nasty, but it makes me sick). Sometimes I crave songs, especially when I'm still in the process of learning lyrics and can't sing it to myself or type out the lyrics on my calculator in physics, and I just HAVE to listen to the song again the instant I get home. Thusly, musical craving. Example: "Na Na Na" by My Chemical Romance, which, if you'll notice, has been put down for "music" for my last couple of entries. It seems that song will be stuck in my head for the rest of eternity, and I'm just fine with that.
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?
Quote of the Day: "The Red Sea's in like Canada." (Note about today's QotD: It was a statement from one of my classmates yesterday, and he was dead serious.)