I've been eliminated from the Next Top Model competition. Yes, I'm upset. Yes, I'm ranting. Yes, I realize I shouldn't be so emotionally invested, but I busted my ass on the next round and it was all for naught, and also other people got through with worse entries than mine. Yes, that last statement is objective but it's my journal and I'll bitch and whine all I please.
Ameera: But what about my fear entry? I literally died for that!
I know, Meer, but we're stuck. (She did die; she was running with scissors for a picture and it killed her. I'm not even lying.)
According to the judging, Ameera did not have enough variety for her outfit (even though the point of the photos was a modeling campaign for stompyboots, so it wouldn't make sense for me to change her outfit) and not enough variety in the background (even though it's a modeling competition, not a set-building competition). What really grinds my gears is that they didn't specifically say you needed variety in your background, AND that other people who weren't eliminated did the exact same things: same hair/outfit/set during the shoot. I'm irked, especially because I was so anxious about the next round that I did a total reshoot of it. Technically, I prepared two entries. And for the record, they don't have variety either, and that's just fine.
So since I'm eliminated, I'll post both my entries here. The round was called Color My Emotion: you had to choose a color and an emotion and bring them together. My color was black and my emotion was fear. I swear to God, if someone uses my goddamn emotion and it doesn't have a fucking mummy's curse and get them eliminated I will EAT THEM.
Ameera Talbot- Fear (version I)
(Bodyshot - Headshot - Freestyle)
But, says I, the color was not shown enough. So I scrapped my cool set and built one with black walls and broken windows and such. This was going to be the version I posted. Enjoy or something, because this is an exclusive.
Ameera Talbot- Fear (version II)
Headshot - Bodyshot - Freestyle
Tell me: which version did you like better? I'm torn; I thought they would want a uniform background, but in light of my elimination, I could be mistaken. I don't know anymore.
But, in the wise words of A Very Potter Sequel, it's not over yet...