Hi, everyone!
It should be known by now that I love experimenting with genetics in the game. So when I found out about the Good Genes challenge, I knew it was time to delurk at GoS! I made my account ages ago, it was "time bomb" because I was tired of my name that day, but now it are "juney" which it should have been the whole time, tbh. I posted a couple times on the worst stories thread and to say fankoo to creators, but not for awhile. Anyway! I had a lot of fun with it, and I have a lot of ~bonus picspam~ for all of you guys! :D I mean, not a lot very interesting happened because free will was off, but the kids are pretty unique-looking. (Also I am apparently using 10% more bandwidth than storage space on PB and I am afraid of all my shit vanishing. *emo emo emo* SOMEONE IS HOTLINKING MY AWESOME GIFS OR SOMETHING WTF IDEK)
This is what we had to start with and breed from. Her name is Sy Snootles, and you just know you want a piece of that. Yeah.
Sy resides in my PV-ST-VV combination hood, because I didn't want to mess around with the hoods I have already played with. The point of the Challenge is to take Sy, breed her and her descendants with three Maxis-made Sims, and see if you breed out the fug. The maximum number of kids per generation is three, and I've decided to let each gen have three kids to increase the chance for non-fug.
This is Sy's house in Pleasantview. I decorated it in all pink except the nursery in the middle there, because Sy strikes me as being tacky like that to have a color scheme.
And there's Sy skilling. I made her a Family Sim, but her LTW really doesn't matter.
I picked Darren Dreamer as the first gene donor because he is always in the welcome wagon, as you can see here.
They are getting along swimmingly. All according to plan. *evil plotting fingers*
Darren: *is oblivious*
STOP THAT. Nomming your date is not a turn-on, not even if you are a zombie.
Yeah, just keep walking, fairy-boy. I find I get walk-bys a lot more since installing AL, but maybe I was just unobservant before. But here they are, determined to mar my cute pictures.
Oh Jesus, it looks like she's vacuuming his face off. WITH HER MOUTH.
I was showing my brother some of the other Good Genes entries, and he firmly believes certain entries are totally impossibly pretty to be descended from Sy, and he asked me how we can be sure no one's cheating. 9_9 Honor system, brother, what the hell kind of Boy Scout are you?
~cute~. Seriously, they're kind of growing on me. Like a tumor.
Yay, she understands the point of the challenge! And they have two bolts!
Also, her entire face doesn't fit on her portrait in the sidebar because of her eye stalks. WEIRD.
Aww, she looks so pleased with herself.
Apparently Darren likes his girls to have a little meat on them. Sweet! Sucks to be you, Cassandra, that wispy frail emo-girl look just won't do for Darren. Have fun with Lothario. (In my ~real~ Pleasantview Cassie and Don were married, but free will on a community lot resulted in them breaking up, and then Cassie had a love child with Darren who resurrected and remarried his dead wife, but Darren chose Darleen instead of Cassie. DRAMAZ)
With Romeo Monty as a witness, Darren and Sy become BFFLs4LYFE and Darren moves in!
Isn't it weird that Sims have random symbols for letters but follow normal numerical symbols?
They both spun up a want to go on a date, and I haven't had my Sims do that in awhile. So it's date night!
Remarkably, Darren seems to really like Sy! He fell in love first. (And check that platinum plumbob! Sweet.)
BREAKING NEWS! It's twu lub, and Sy doesn't play around. She intends to keep this man, dammit.
I've decided all the couples get one chance to conceive naturally until I start boolpropping the babies. Sy and Darren didn't get lucky first try, so I've conjured up the Tombstone of L&D.
And it's a boy! He has Darren's eyes and Sy's hair, and his name is Nathan.
The nursery is decorated in cool colors to relax the babies or something.
Aww, he looks so normal! I probably shouldn't get used to it.
The next baby is on the way!
That giant window just makes the entire birthing process much more awkward. GO HOME AND QUIT STARING LIKE A CREEPER, FFS
It's another boy! His name is Jake.
Darren, this is a tad more important than the book, okay. Silly Knowledge Sims.
Aaaaand another boy. His name is Finn.
Now that the whole generation has been born, it's MASS BIRTHDAY TIEM!!!one1eleventy!!11
Nathan. Aside from the nose implosion, he's rather cute.
Once again, it is mass birthday time and the boys are ready to be kids! Oh, and it goes without saying: Nathan is heir.
Nathan, who, like fine wines and cheeses, improves with age.
And here's Finn and Jake and their jowls of death (TM).
The boys grow up again under the watch of their parents and Mr. Half-Completed Thought Bubble.
Oh Jesus, it just gets worse. Are Jake's teeth popping out of his chin?!
Nathan not only inherited some of his dad's looks, but also his fashion style!
I was torn between Juliette and Hermia Capp for the next gen's gene donor, so I let Nathan choose. I guess it's Hermia, then! Yay.
With that all squared away, mass birthday time comes yet again.
Hi, adult Finn and Jake!
And good-bye, adult Finn and Jake. They're living it up in a trailer next door to the Brokes. PARTY~
That hair really doesn't suit Nathan. Damn you, randomness.
Anyway. Nathan gets nice makeover and he looks even better now.
Also, since Sy and Darren behaved and fulfilled their generational requirements, they get engaged and fulfill a want that has been locked forever.
Yes, yes, it's very shiny, we know.
The next morning, Nathan invites over adult!Hermia, who is apparently glad to see him.
They have two bolts. But this picture is mainly so everyone can see how deformed Nathan's side profile is.
~artistic romance shot~
And with that, Hermia moves in!
Sy and Darren get married, but now they both want MOAR BAYBEEZ. D:
Nathan gets Hermia knocked up on the first try, surprisingly. I thought that only happened in soap operas.
As a reward for her fertility, I allowed Hermia and Nathan to get engaged, and he accepts.
(and cleaning the windows, my GOD, they are filthy wtf did you do to them)
Everyone meet Nathan and Hermia's first kid, a boy named Phineas.
~FIVE SECONDS LATER~ it's another boy, Theodore. wtf, what's with all the boys? Not to be sexist, but girls tend to be prettier than boys and also Sy and Hermia are the only sources of estrogen in this whole challenge. :\
But we have hope for a daughter with this last baby. I have a name I'm just dying to use...
Score! The first girl of the entire challenge. Her name is Shilo.
Theodore, who has his mom's long face.
And Shilo! They're adorable, squee! But really, anything is an improvement over Uncle Finn and Uncle Jake. *shudder*
I love the peek-a-boo interaction. It's just so cute!
omg Theo's cute too, lookit, he's so adorably clueless!
...woah he looks like Nervous Subject.
Shilo, apparently under the impression we are having a beach party.
Phineas, who for some reason I have no comment for.
And Theodore, who vaguely reminds me of Leonard Copur, Ignotus's son, mostly because of the hair and skintone.
But Phineas, Theodore, and Shilo do not get to experience The Joys Of Childhood for very long, because I am impatient.
Phineas and Theodore, kindly separate your heads, because you are freaking me out.
...The outfits are getting worse with every generation.
Teen!Phineas, who has evidently picked up style tips from Jane Austen.
Teen!Theodore, who has decided to be a badass.
Teen!Shilo, who has decided to embrace an ambiguous foreign culture.
The entire generation has a weird thing going on with their upper lips, but it's not at all noticeable from the front so it's okay.
Shilo is chosen as our heiress because I like her best. ACR randomized her as bi, whilst everyone else is straight. This is useful for my plans~.
Say hello to our final gene donor, Ginger Newson!
They're getting along wonderfully, which is awesome and facilitates my plans perfectly.
Awweh. They are also a two-bolt couple. That makes every couple in the challenge! Wow.
With that, it's time for Phineas and Theodore to grow up and get shipped out, arm-in-arm.
Adult Phineas. What is it with the men of this family and sweaters?
And here's Farmer Theodore. Nice overalls, dude. What happened to your badass-ness?
They moved out into that prebuilt AL duplex and got better clothes, I promise.
With a ring of sparlkies, our heiress carries us into the final leg of this genetic journey!
Shilo's all grown up, and I think she's gorgeous. I've never had a Sim who looks like her; she's so unique. And aside from her wonky upper lip, there's none of Sy in her, which is lovely. I have high hopes for Shilo and Ginger's spawn!
ACR and my own manipulations get Shilo and Ginger happily in love, to the point where Shilo, a Knowledge Sim, actually rolled up the want to get engaged. Srsly, when does that ever happen?
So she popped the question.
And of course Ginger said yes, and then moved in to the Snootles abode.
The boolpropped pregnancy progressed nicely, and Ginger looks rather cute when she's pregnant.
♥ Haha, I just figured out how to do that yesterday. :D
It's a girl! Her name is Rachel.
Shilo, your girlfriend is pregnant. This is a biologically impossible feat. Try for some emotion, okay?
That's better. Now, since there are seven Sims in the household, I decided to go with forced twins this time.
The first twin, a boy, has Shilo's dark blue eyes. His name is David.
The younger twin has Ginger's brown eyes, just like Rachel, and his name is Tony.
Looks like Rachel won't be having a little sister.
David more resembles grandma Hermia than either of his moms.
Rachel looks a lot like Ginger with her chubby little cheeks.
Tony looks like Ginger as well. At least, he looks like big sister Rachel.
Mass birthday time!
David, who looks mildly elfin, especially with his eyes.
Tony and Rachel. Damn, Ginger's genes are dominant.
Yadda yadda, birthday time, heard it all before...
Nerd!David, sweatervest not included.
Tony, who is unfortunately clothed, and Rachel, who is expressing her inner badass like Uncle Theodore.
Final birthday! Everyone gets nice makeovers, a headshot, and then the final heir will be announced. I was honestly torn, going back and forth over and over, considering every one of them and wondering who I wanted to represent me as my entry in the contest.
Here's Rachel, a Popularity Sim. Rachel looks a lot like Ginger around the mouth and nose, but she has Shilo's small eyes. All in all, she looks very impish and cute.
Then there's David, a Knowledge Sim. He's got much bigger eyes than either of her siblings and reminds me of Hermia, although that may be the male form of Ginger's mouth on him.
Finally we have Tony, David's twin. He too resembles Ginger, with Shilo's small eyes as Rachel has. He has Shilo's jaw as well, and he's very interesting-looking, unlike any Sim I've had before this.
In the end, I chose...
...Tony! I started this challenge with the intention of presenting a unique Sim who combines features of his ancestors. Tony, with masculine forms of Ginger's features, Darren's small eyes, and a face shape and jaw like Hermia, was the most interesting to me. David was a bit uninteresting in facial structure in the end, and Rachel, the runner-up, looked too much like Ginger for my liking. So Tony is my entry. Here, have some Tony spam:
He's really got a lovely smile. ^_^
Glee is the only reason I'm looking forward to the fall. Anyone know the offishal~ premiere date?
Finally, here's the Snootles-Capp-Newson family tree!