Decisions, Decisions...

Feb 08, 2010 17:49

Hi, everyone!

So I have a story for you today. And funnily enough, it evolved into a question about a story.

Anyway. A week or two ago I downloaded a default PT replacement. The main things that bothered me about the Maxis PT were a) no recessives (you know how I love my recessives) and b) every alien kid I'd ever get would be siblings. Meaning no little alien marriages once Stella Terrano goes off with someone. I dislike that. So I downloaded one of simgaroop 's PT replacements. I forget the name, but it's the Maxis-matchy-ish starts with a G. Graslaxian or something. No matter. So I downloaded it and I've been aching to try it out. Only PROBLEM! I had a hard time deciding who I could use. I needed someone who would show off those alien genes to their full potential, someone with recessives, even though only two of the four PTs actually have recessive hair. But hey, variety!

In the end I decided I liked playing Mimi, whose house has room enough for five other children, and decided to get her husband Simon abducted for the lulz.

So everything went according to my whim-driven plan. Simon was abducted and all was well. He and Mimi waited out the pregnancy on the bubble blower or playing in bathtubs or playing SSX 3, as Pleasure Sims are wont to do. Then came time for the baby to be born.

Good news! Baby was green and had awesome red hair, which meant I got the PT I like best to pollinate Simon. Bad news: baby had a twin. I was ready to punch Simon in the face. But I went along after a dire search for names. As with Andrew and Belladonna, I only expected one baby and I was planning on a girl. In the end, the boy was named Io and the girl Selina. Io's one of Jupiter's moons, and Selina means 'moon' so I thought it fit.

But these twins, who once so irritated me, got my brain working. I like them; they're quite cute and have a rather interesting position at the moment. So my brain first wanted to render all this an interlude. But today my brain changed its fickle mind (lolwhut) and decided it had a jillion ideas for a full-fledged somewhat-of-a-spin-off serial story.

All day I just couldn't stop planning this story. It's taken root in my mind, driving out all desire to play the main house and instead work on this. I recently developed a desire to write a serial story instead of/along with my Legacy for a little while, but until now it was just a vague whim. Now though...

I think it would be pretty cool. Lots of questions on identity, how we all belong in this world, family dynamics, and a chance to explore and establish canon on aliens in the Hermione's ABCs universe. So what do you think? Is my liking for aliens manifesting itself to the point of it being out-of-hand, or is it something you guys would like to see? This wouldn't mean the end of the ABCs, no way in hell, but it would be a bit of a diversion for at least a little while. Ideas?

Quote of the Day: "And now for something completely different."


mimi, spin-off maybe sort of, new story?, mass convulsions, strings versions are too cool shut up, io & selina, simon, opinions wanted, hermione's abcs, that girl's not right in the brain, random, shotgun sinners

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