Hi, everyone!
Well, I'm pretty sure I have all the pictures for the next update! All the I kids are teens. Gabi and Almeric have been fed gallons of Elixir cause I don't want them to die yet. I got really paranoid about them dying when Almeric suddenly kicked the bucket in the middle of Ignotus's teen birthday. FAIL. Like, it was 11:00 AT NIGHT, and Ig was blowing out his candles when up came "Cry Softly" for Almeric. AND I CHECKED. HE STILL HAD DAYS LEFT. WHAT THE HEY, GAME?! Naturally I exited and re-entered, and got paranoid about everyone dying on me. But at this rate Gabi and Almeric should die together on the same day, so yay.
Helena and Seb also have been guzzling the Elixir, gallons of the stuff. I've been giving them all that they could drink and it has never been enough. And Seb refuses to be the same age as Helena, they're a day apart. Or something. I had to give a dose to Imperius as well; she was two days to adult at one point. That's NEVER happened to me before. NEVER. But I'm having the heir poll during the teen years so no more college heir polls. GAH. That'll be at the end of the next chapter, though. There will be one further chapter before we're off to Uni again, which should be fun. We'll have two shiny new placeholders!
I haven't started the writing yet. But it doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything! Far from it. My friend Heather and I, after making IM accounts just to babble at each other (I'm hermionesabcs@yahoo.com) and we ended up writing an odd mix of fanfic and RP. So we made a comm:
juneandheather! So check it out, yes? The userpic for this post is a quote from our second story, Christmas At the Potter's. Long story short: CHRISTMAS IS RUINED FOREBERZ. So that's what I've been doing lately.
In game I had an odd, odd problem with Ig. I grew him up without Almeric croaking in the middle of the party, left the lot, and when I came back he looked like a child again. And he was levitating. And his life bar said he was a teen. And he had wants to get scholarships. And so did other doting relatives. It was really weird, he was a teen trapped in a kid's body. I fixed it eventually, but still, it was weird. Anyone know what could have caused that? Anyone?
Okay! Moving on! As most of you probably know from my fancy mood theme, I like MCR cartoonized. Actually, I just like MCR in general, except in slashy fanfiction. *shudder* Okay, basically the formula for THAT is Anyone/Anyone Else, and I don't think I need to elaborate. But anyway, I'm here to recommend another MCR webcomic, called W.A.Y. Here:
way.smackjeeves.com/ (Man, I'm recommending stuff like crazy today.) Anyway, unlike MiniMCR W.A.Y. focuses on only two members of the band. Three guesses who, and the first two don't count. If you guessed Gerard and Mikey Way, hooray, you win! My favorite deals with a rumor like a year ago that Gerard died (NUUUUU) and Mikey freaks out, poor dear. "OH MY GODDDDDD!!!!"
Oh, and one last thing. I need you guys to give me an opinion, mmkay?
This is a character from the only manga I read/think is not dumb, Death Note (which I also recommend; I'm on a roll today). The character's name is Mello, wears really tight leather pants, and has a chocolate addiction comparable to a crack addiction. This character is always nomming on chocolate, so much so that another character identifies Mello over the phone just because they can hear the wrapper. Now, I need your opinion on something: at first glance, do you think Mello is a he or a she? Okay? Good. Don't ask why, I'll tell you later.
So! In conclusion, I ought to be working on the next chapter soon, go read W.A.Y., go check out mine and Heather's shiny new comm, someone please tell me why Ig glitched up, watch out and make sure your elders don't kick the bucket in the middle of someone's birthday, and I need your opinions. Ooh, and send me an IM if you get the chance! Bye!
Quote of the Day: "I'm kind of upset that I'm going to die tomorrow."
Ooh, and Story Behind the Mood Theme! My icon for "weird" comes from a MiniMCR comic in which MiniFrankie gets the hiccups, and MiniGerard and MiniMikey want to "help." So they lower him upside-down into a vat of water. MiniFrank complains: "Uh, guys? *HIC* I'm sure this isn't what is meant by *HIC* 'drink water upside-down'!!" Here's the comic:
minimcr.livejournal.com/26023.html#cutid1 :D