Lazy Monday

Jun 22, 2009 20:45

Hi, everyone!

Tomorrow is gonna be bad. Today I had to return my school textbooks, and that was an experience in itself. I waited on line for like an hour. I got there and found that I brought my wrong History textbook, the one I got from my elementary school like three years ago, and not my ninth-grade one. In my defense, I never used the right ( Read more... )

bachelor challenge, round robin, real life, comm, meme, random, sim secret

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julessims June 23 2009, 15:08:15 UTC
That secret about SAVIOR was so ridiculous. I saw it and rolled my eyes. It's not like there's anything wrong with the comm. And there is nothing wrong with incorporating your beliefs into your writing. Nor is there anything wrong with making up fun words to replace swear words, etc. etc ( ... )


junebug_13 June 23 2009, 15:34:09 UTC
Urgh, when I saw that comment about Jane I was mad, too, because obviously this person doesn't know her because if they did they wouldn't call her a bitch because she's not. I was also too wimpy to tell this person to shut up. >.>
The meme is awesome, it was fun to do. I thought nobody would know my celebrity crush, but yes, it is Mikey Way, I think he's adorable! Also I like artsy types in general. ^_^
...Is your name "Balcony"?
Yay BC-ness! The scores are all extremely close, it's crazy!


julessims June 23 2009, 16:34:14 UTC
Yes, my name is Balcony. *hangs head in shame* You've discovered my secret. LOL.

No, it's actually Juliet (and I hate, hate, hate it!), so the balcony pictures are supposedly Romeo and Juliet's balcony. Now that searched for it again, though, I only got three or four pictures of that balcony. :(


junebug_13 June 23 2009, 16:47:42 UTC
ZOMG, how can you not love that name? It's preeeeetty. And that's a lot of balcony pictures.
Now that I think about it, I bet being named Juliet garnered a lot of teasing. And Juliet's not Shakespeare's most endearing heroine either, Viola kicks her butt any day. Yes, I am a Shakespeare nerd, why do you ask?


julessims June 23 2009, 17:05:53 UTC
Yeah, I did get made fun of for it. Especially in high school when we had to read Romeo and Juliet. That was years ago, though, so I'm over it. :P

It's not really that it's an ugly name or anything, I just don't like it. LOL.

Shakespeare is awesome. I don't blame you for being a Shakespeare nerd.


maenad36 June 23 2009, 20:21:16 UTC
My first name is biblical, and once in sunday-school a few years ago we read her story, and of course there was a kid in the class with the same name as my namesake's husband. I was like ten at the time, so it was hugely embarrassing. So I sort of get how you feel. Juliet is a nice name, even if you don't like it.


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