Hi, everyone!
Tomorrow is gonna be bad. Today I had to return my school textbooks, and that was an experience in itself. I waited on line for like an hour. I got there and found that I brought my wrong History textbook, the one I got from my elementary school like three years ago, and not my ninth-grade one. In my defense, I never used the right textbook, so I couldn't tell from a glance which was which. So tomorrow at like seven AM I have to return the right one. Not a fun task.
Today was a lazy day. I've been working on the next chapter of A Legacy of Biblical Proportions, writing up the third chapter. Only a few more to go before I pass on the torch, I may have six or seven chapters total. Have I mentioned the comm I'm doing ALBP for? The awesome SAVIOR comm? Well, I was on SimSecret the other day and I saw a hater secret about the comm. Wow, this totally wrecked my life and it totally matters! *eyeroll* Seriously, I cared for about a minute before I realized it doesn't matter. So we got a hater sekrit. What, are we going to delete the comm over it?
Ack. My ranting aside. I also played through Day 4 in the BC. My game's patched now, yay! The patching reset my Sims, so the tired folks at Bachelor Pad were no longer a problem. ^_^ Thank you kindly, Maxis, you're good for something sometimes.
So now I'm going to do this meme type thing I've seen a lot of people doing. It looks cool. Try it for yourself. DO AS I COMMAND.
The Rules:
1. Answer each of the questions below using the
Flickr Search engine.
2. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
3. Copy the URL of your favorite photo into this site:
http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php 4. Save mosaic to some form of photo hosting thing and share w/ world.
1. First Name
2. Favorite Food
3. Hometown
4. Favorite Color
5. Celebrity Crush
6. Favorite Drink
7. Dream Vacation
8. Favorite Dessert
9. What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
10. What I Love Most In The World
11. One Word That Describes Me
12. My LiveJournal Name
Well, that was fun! :D