100 Books: Book 2- "Brave New World"

Jan 23, 2011 16:14

I've finally read another book this year, guys. xD

Today we'll be discussing a book that's regarded as a classic by a good amount of people, and that book is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. We're actually studying Brave New World right now in my English class, but I liked it so much that I finished it early. What can I say; I really love dystopian/apocalyptic literature, especially after Survivor Radio.

For those of you who haven't read it, Brave New World tells of a society where people are grown in test tubes, sorted into castes before birth, and have lives where anything unhappy is immoral. Even thinking about having free will or creating art or not partaking in the commonplace hallucinogenic drugs that erase the world or the giant orgies happening every five seconds. You are conditioned to believe in certain morals, to believe the world order is correct. The concept creeped me out to a ridiculous degree; I literally had goosebumps just reading this shit. The world is ruled by pleasure, and to think of anything beyond your own fulfillment is frowned upon. (Unfortunately the reliance on drugs/New World Order/everything is run by The Corporation/there is no free will or creativity deal had me thinking of Danger Days immediately, and thus "Na Na Na" is constantly in my head in English class.)

It was a really good book, though. It made me think, although there were many times when I had to reread entire sections to understand their meaning. I'm looking forward to going over it in class and getting a deeper understanding.

And I cannot have this little review without giving accolades to Aldous Huxley, who seriously must have been fucking psychic or something. Brave New World describes test tube babies and copious birth control and drugs that make you forget everything, as well as having fetuses destined to be of lower classes being stunted by alcohol poisoning. This shit happens in real life right now; babies are conceived in laboratories and people have pills for everything and on and on. Brave New World was published in motherfucking 1932, when shit like that was impossible for even Jesus in people's minds. And not only did Huxley have babies stunted by alcohol before the fact that alcohol stunted babies was even discovered, he had the effects of said alcohol poisoning pretty much spot-on. And not even modern science can develop embryos solely in a lab, although we seem to be on a crash-course for something like that. To the long-dead Mr. Huxley: You were so far ahead of your time I cannot even begin to comprehend how you foresaw all this. Good on you.

Brave New World is a truly excellent book and I recommend it to you all, because it is awesome, albeit scary and sad at times.

Book List
1. Wintergirls
2. Brave New World


books, i are cold, it's so right it's eerie, oshit, ic whut u did thar, na na na na na na na na na na, irony is fun, 100 books, epic win

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