[MINI-SERIES] Tora/Saga: "Beautiful Sinners" Part 2

May 09, 2013 10:15

Title: Beautiful Sinners
Chapter: 2/5
Author: junakabisque
Rating: Overall NC-17
Genre: Angst, romance.
Pairing(s): Tora/Saga, Reita/Uruha (mentioned Reita/Saga, Tora/Uruha).
Band(s): Alice Nine, the GazettE.
Disclaimer: I own my imagination.
Summary: Tora breaks up with Uruha because he loves Saga; but Saga is already with Reita. What will happen to four of them?
Notes: Set before Alice Nine changed leader.

...Beautiful Sinners...

Part 2

“Saga... Have you ever loved me?”

Saga stopped his current activity and then turned around only to find Tora walking towards him. Somehow, Saga felt Tora’s gaze on him was really strange. Suddenly, Saga felt a bit scared.

“Why are you asking me that, Tora?”
“Just answer me.”

Saga swallowed hardly. He didn’t like this current situation between them. Tora had now stood really close to him. He looked down at Saga, waiting for the bassist’s answer.

“... No, Tora. I have never loved you.”

A lie.

“That was a lie, right?”
“It wasn’t a lie, Tora.”

Another lie.

“Alright, then. I’m going to prove it myself.”

Then without warning, Tora grabbed Saga’s head as he kissed the bassist forcefully. Saga was trying hard not to open his mouth. Tora then pushed Saga back until they both lay on Tora’s bed. Beneath Tora, Saga was still struggling to break the kiss. Saga didn’t want it to happen. It was wrong. However, Tora was far stronger than he was. Tora’s body pinned Saga’s down against the bed as he kept kissing him very roughly. Saga lifted both of his hands to push Tora back by his shoulders. However then, Tora caught Saga’s hands and brought them upside.

Stop, Tora! It’s all wrong!

Finally, Tora broke the kiss. He stared deep into Saga’s eyes lustfully. Saga had no idea how he felt really scared of the guitarist right now. How could Tora become like this?

“I always love you, Saga. Do you know that?”

Saga shook his head. The fear made him unable to talk. Subconsciously, his tears had rolled down his cheek. Tora lifted one of his hands to wipe the tears away from Saga’s eyes.

“Why are you crying, Saga? Did I scare you?”

Saga didn’t cry because Tora had scared him. Saga cried because he had never expected Tora to become rough like this to him. Plus, Tora had admitted that he always loved Saga all this time. Why did this happen now? Why did Tora never tell him about this earlier? If only Tora admitted his feeling first before Reita did, Saga might have not been Reita’s lover now. Because truthfully, Saga always loved Tora too. Saga’s thought was distracted when Tora captured his lips again, gently this time. Tora spoke between his kisses about how he had always been in a broken heart state ever since Saga and Reita became lovers. Tora told Saga how it really hurt him to see Saga and Reita being together and how hard Tora tried to forget everything about Saga, he just couldn’t. All words that escaped Tora’s lips only made Saga cry even harder.

“Why did you not kiss me back, Saga? Please, kiss me back.”
“Tora, I-”

Tora stopped Saga’s sentence as he smashed his lips again with Saga’s. Now, Saga couldn’t help but respond to Tora’s kiss. Saga knew it shouldn’t be like this, but he also wanted it. They both had always wanted each other. As if it was the last day they lived in this world, Saga and Tora were kissing each other very passionately. They didn’t want to stop this moment. Let time freeze if it was possible.


Reita finally found him. Uruha was sitting on the ground, looking so helpless. He fastened his steps and then squatted down in front of Uruha.

“Shima, what happened?”

Reita was so surprised when suddenly Uruha threw himself onto Reita’s body. He started crying again on Reita’s shoulder. Hesitantly, Reita wrapped his arms around Uruha’s slim body. He caressed Uruha’s back up and down simultaneously.

“Tell me what happened, Shima.”
“Akira... Tora... He said that he wanted to break up with me. He dumped me, Akira!”
“Sshh... It’s all right, Shima. Stop crying.”

Uruha didn’t stop crying. Reita sighed and then decided to bring them to his car first. When finally they were inside Reita’s car, Reita turned to face Uruha who was still crying.

“What actually happened, Uru?”

Between his sobs, Uruha tried to speak again, “After we left the restaurant... we went to his apartment. I’ve never expected it to happen because...”

Uruha sobbed again and Reita patted his shoulder, calming him down.

“... Because at first he was so nice to me like usual, but then suddenly he snapped at me and said that he wanted us to break up!”

Uruha burst into tears. Reita frowned seeing the sight before his eyes whilst at the same time, he was thinking about Uruha’s words.

“... Uruha, try to remember. It’s impossible if he suddenly snapped at you with no reason behind it. Did you mention something that made him angry?”
“I just asked him about our relationship progress! Is that bad?!”
“And what did Tora say?”
“He said... He said that we’re hopeless and it’d be better if we didn’t continue our relationship. Of course, I was so angry to hear that! I love him so much and this is what he gave me in return?! A break up?!”

Reita didn’t know what to say. To be honest, he always tried to avoid this kind of situation. He was not really the type to comfort other people when they were feeling down. Saga was. Then, he remembered Saga might still be in Tora’s flat now. Maybe, Reita could ask him to talk to Tora about his problem with Uruha. Reita was about to call his lover, when Uruha noticed that.

“Who are you calling?”
“Saga. I hope he’s still in Tora’s flat now. Maybe he could help us.”

Uruha snorted as he turned his gaze away. Reita raised his eyebrows at that.

“It’s useless if you try to call him. I’m sure he’s still in Tora’s flat. They’re probably fucking each other right now.”
“What are you talking about, Uruha?”
“Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you, Reita. The reason why Tora dumped me is that he loves Saga. Saga, your own lover. Can you believe that?”

Reita was really shocked. His mouth gaped open. He wanted to say something, but he was too shocked to speak, “... Is it true?”

“Why don’t you try to call him if you’re really curious to know?”

Reita looked down at his mobile phone. Should he call Saga now? What if he got an unexpected reply he didn’t want to hear? Uruha noticed Reita’s hesitancy. He rolled his eyes and then grabbed the device from Reita’s hand.

“Hey! What are-?”

Too late. Uruha had pressed the call button. He handed the mobile phone back to Reita who received it reluctantly. Reita brought the phone up to his ear as he looked at Uruha’s teary eyes. Reita waited for Saga to answer his call. Seconds passed...

“The number you are calling didn’t respond. Please try again later.”

He tried again until five times, but he still didn’t get a response from Saga. Reita bowed his head as he shoved his mobile phone back into his jeans pocket. Uruha turned his head to him.

“He didn’t answer my call.”
“Well, of course he didn’t. I told you, they’re too busy fucking each other they can’t even hear the ring!”
“Uruha, stop. You know? You sound like you’re insulting Saga right now. You don’t even have the proof! How can you talk badly like this about him?! I know you hate Tora so much after what he has done to you and I don’t care if you talk badly about him. But don’t do the same towards Saga! He’s not wrong!”
“Says who? It’s because of him I broke up with Tora! You can still say he’s not wrong? Oh, now I know that you’re too innocent, Reita.”

Both of them didn’t speak after that. Until finally Reita broke the silence.

“... I trust Saga.”

Uruha snorted again. He smiled mockingly but since Reita had his head bowed down, he didn’t see that.

“Whatever. We’ll know the truth tomorrow. Don’t cry to me if he’s really cheating on you.”


Saga’s mobile phone rang. It was still on the coffee table. No one answered the call since Tora and Saga had already left the living room half an hour ago. In Tora’s bedroom...

“Tora... Stop.”
“I can’t, Saga. You have no idea how much I really want you so badly all this time. I’ve waited too long and I can’t wait anymore.”
“But it’s wrong, Tora.”
“Nothing’s wrong, Saga. Trust me. Do you trust me, Saga?”

Saga stared deep into Tora’s eyes. He presumed he would just find lust within them but he was wrong. Within those dark orbs above him, Saga never expected that he would find love. Right at that time, Saga knew how Tora really loved him and the guitarist really

meant it. Tora didn’t lie to him. However, Saga was hesitant. Was it right to trust the other man? Tora noticed Saga’s hesitant look. He removed the fringe from Saga’s eyes and then kissed the forehead’s man beneath him. At the same time, Saga circled his arms around Tora’s neck, bringing him even closer to him. He felt the warm liquid moistened his cheeks again. Tora kissed his tears and Saga tightened his embrace to Tora.

“Do whatever you want, Tora. I’m all yours.”

As Tora, at last, started kissing Saga’s neck again, Saga knew that he would regret it soon after. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to think about that now. He just wanted to enjoy this sweet and romantic yet so sinful moment between the two of them.

“I love you.”

Those three words just increased the pain in Saga’s heart. Saga closed his eyes when Tora unbuttoned his shirt one by one. His hand was still clinging to Tora’s neck and the other rested beside his head. Tora caressed his smooth skin when all buttons were all opened. Tora leant down to kiss his chest. His hand moved down to Saga’s waistband. Saga grabbed Tora’s hair when the guitarist’s tongue licked his right nipple. He moaned softly and that just encouraged Tora to do more than just licking his pink half-hardened nipples. Tora never knew that Saga’s nipples were so sensitive.


Tora smiled a bit hearing Saga called his name. He began working on Saga’s jeans. He moved down, making sure that he didn’t leave even every single inch of Saga’s skin untouched. He trailed his kisses down along Saga’s flat stomach until he reached his destination. Tora saw the bulge right in front of him and then he smiled. He nuzzled his nose down against Saga’s crotch, making the man beneath him shudder. With his skilful fingers, Tora unbuckled Saga’s belt. When he finished, he continued his action by unbuttoning the button and then finally unzipped Saga’s jeans. Tora freed Saga’s cock. He heard a soft moan escape Saga’s lips again. He kissed the half-hardened length and he felt Saga’s hand reach down, searching for his hair again.

“... Tora.”

Tora took the hint. Quickly, he opened his mouth and began to work on Saga’s cock. He sucked the head first, and then took it more down his throat as he massaged the balls. Saga’s grip on Tora’s hair tightened. Saga arched his back, releasing deep groans as his other hand gripped the bed sheet. Tora swirled his tongue, licking the shaft. Saga felt his cock stiffen inside Tora’s warm mouth. His breathing became short, his chest kept moving up and down simultaneously.

“Tora... stop...”

Tora stopped. He released Saga’s cock out from his mouth and moved upward. He saw Saga’s eyebrows knit together. Beads of perspiration had appeared on the bassist’s forehead. Tora captured the bassist’s lips, kissing him very slowly. Saga kissed him back. He opened his mouth, allowing Tora to explore his mouth with his tongue. Saga sucked Tora’s tongue once it entered his mouth. Tora loved the action so much and then his hand reached down to stroke Saga’s cock. Saga began to undress the man above him. He unbuttoned Tora’s button shirt, continuing their passionate kiss whilst doing so. On the other hand, Tora pulled Saga’s jeans down his long legs along with his boxers. Saga’s jeans rested on the floor after he kicked them down. Tora caressed Saga’s very smooth thighs, breaking the kiss only to bite Saga’s earlobe. He let Saga working on his trousers.

Next thing they knew, they both were already naked. Saga wrapped one of his legs around Tora’s waist, making their erections brush each other. Smooch sounds, moans, and groans could be heard all over the room. Tora then circled his three fingers on Saga’s entrance. He thrust deep that made Saga moaned in pain. He felt Saga’s nail scratch his back. However, Tora kept scissoring Saga’s inside. They both knew that soon the pain would fade away.

“... Enough. I want you, Tora.”

Then, Tora positioned himself between Saga’s legs. He adjusted his own cock up and brought it towards Saga’s entrance. Head entered first and Tora saw Saga close his eyes in pain again. Hurriedly, Tora bent down to kiss Saga. He tried to make Saga feel good and not pain anymore. Finally, Tora’s cock was fully inside Saga. He stayed still, waiting for Saga to adjust to the feeling. It wasn’t too long until Saga nodded to him. Then, Tora placed both of his hands on Saga’s waist, as he started moving. Saga’s hand gripped the pillow in a death grip he almost ripped it. He moaned very loudly the moment Tora’s cock brushed against his prostate.

“Aah! Tora!”

Soon, the movement became faster. Tora lifted Saga’s legs to wrap them around his waist. His hand caressed Saga’s inner thigh as he continued slamming his cock against Saga’s ass.

“Saga... Saga.”
“Tora... Ahh!”

They began kissing again as Tora slipped his hand between their attached body and gripped Saga’s cock. He pumped it up and down until Saga couldn’t hold it anymore. With a loud moan, Saga was coming hard. He screamed Tora’s name repeatedly and that made Tora reach his peak. He also came hard inside Saga. He never came as hard as this before. After they rode their orgasms, Tora felt Saga’s hand on his shoulder slide down to the bed. They both felt so tired right now. Tora collapsed on top of Saga’s body. He pulled out from Saga, moved to his side and snuggled up to Saga. After several minutes later, their breathing had returned to normal. With sleepy eyes, Saga turned to face the guitarist. He hugged the man beside him tightly and inhaled his scent. Tora felt Saga kiss his hair and that made him want to look up at the bassist. However, Saga surprisingly prevented him from doing so and kept the guitarist snuggled even closer to him. Tora knew why Saga prevented him from looking at the bassist’s face. Tora also knew he didn’t want to see regret, pain, and sad expression on Saga’s face right now. He then pulled the thick blanket up to cover their bodies, closed his eyes and hugged Saga back, waiting for sleep to come.

How can it feel so sinfully good? Kami-sama, are we sinners now?


Part 1 | Part 3

fandom: alice nine, pair: reita/uruha, fandom: the gazette, !multi-chapters, pair: tora/saga

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