First REAL day of school...

Aug 17, 2010 09:16

The good: Ella is the only child in my house right now. I don't hear any arguing. No blaring tv. No one asking me questions. It's strangely quiet, in fact. I'm so grateful for the quiet. I cannot even tell you.

More good: The kids were all really excited about school today. And no one forgot their lunch. Well, except Carter. And I literally sprinted down the street in my pajamas, in the pouring rain to give it to him before he stepped on the bus so he wouldn't starve today. It was actually a little bit fun to run down the street like a crazy person in my pajamas with INSANE hair and no makeup. And I think I embarrassed him, which is always a little bit fun in and of itself. :)

The even better: I'm doing very little today. I will be watching crappy Lifetime movies or solve-the-crime-in-24-hours kind of shows while Ella plays quietly in her room and/or naps. There will be virtually no effort put into today.

The bad: I'm sick, which obviously sucks. Ella is sick, too, which sucks even more. We both are running slight fevers, can't stop blowing our noses, and have sore throats. Oh well. It will pass.

In conclusion: If I can list at least 3 really good things about today and only 1 really stinky thing, I'm doing pretty darn well.

Off I go to vegetate on the couch and blow my nose a lot. Who knew I'd actually look forward to sick a little so that I have an excuse to do NOTHING?

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