Aug 16, 2010 16:49
I only have a minute, but want to get the main points down before I forget them. Cripes. My memory stinks.
- Carter started middle school today. His very own locker. He changed classes 8 times. He went to a school that is literally 5 times bigger than what he's used to. But, when he came home today, he had a smile on his face and didn't have a single negative thing to say. YAY!
- Macey isn't exactly heartbroken about not being with her biological anymore. However, she's still acting like a stink. Apparently, she knows everything, and I'm incredibly stupid. She's 10. I guess I wasn't expecting her to be THIS far into the attitude problem/parents are stupid phase at this point. Oh well. It is what it is. All I can do is let her know that the attitude is unacceptable and love her despite the fact that she thinks I'm a moron.
- The kids let their virus protection run out on their computer. In April. And of course they didn't tell me a single thing about it until the computer was so locked up that they couldn't access the internet. (For the record, the boys rarely use the internet. They were the only ones home this summer, so I hadn't checked it like a good mommy should.) So, I spent no less than 5 hours wading through the registry and miscellaneous files making the computer work again. There were at least 5 different viruses. Whoa. And then I re-upped the anti-virus subscription. They are all lucky to be alive at this point.
- More kid mischief. I got my cell phone bill and found an extra $80 worth of charges for things like "The Best Love Test" and "Daily Science Facts", etc. Ummm... Apparently the boys took their cell phone with them to their mom's house. She was downloading free rings tones for them, right and left. And apparently she's unaware that there's no such thing as a free lunch and didn't read the fucking fine print. So, $80 later, my boys were able to tell you all sorts of interesting science facts, play just about any ringtone you can imagine, and, best of all, could tell you that neither of them should be dating a Pisces. So, 45 minutes later, AT&T dropped about half of the charges and filed a complaint/refund thing with all these 3rd party places. We'll see if I get my other $40 back, but it's hard to know. Oy vey.
- I went to go see Eat, Pray, Love with my sister and her best friend. I liked the movie, overall. However, I couldn't stop thinking about two things. 1) I wonder what it's like to just go find yourself? Yes, it's a bit ballsy to put all your stuff in storage and travel the world in order to begin your search for you. But, in the end, she just got divorced and traveled a lot. Big whoop. 2) I wonder how someone with children is supposed to go find themselves? Or, how to you find yourself if you don't have the money to fly to Rome, India and Bali? Hmmm... think I could find myself in the local Pier One? It's as close as I'm going to get to any of those places for a long, long, LONG time.
/end brain dump