(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 17:26

Here's a random update for anyone who happens to be interested.

I moved a bunch of boxes from the place I live now to my old apartment, and hung up a bunch of clothing in my closet. I did it as stealthy as possible to avoid anyone catching on. Of course, if someone looked out their window and saw me carrying 8 boxes from my truck into the vacant apartment, they probably caught on... but I kept quiet and stayed in the apartment when I saw someone I knew in the parking lot. I can still see 5 boxes here that have to be moved, but I'd rather do three full loads than 5 half-loads, so I'm going to pack more stuff before I go again.

A couple nights ago I watched a youtube video about strumming. Strumming downward is a reflex I was born with, but strumming upwards is not. So, I've been practicing a couple times a day, and I'm getting there. It's exciting because it opens up the door for a million different rhythms you can do. Yay!

I can't walk the dogs for an hour every day because it's wearing their nails down to quickly, and I'm afraid Angel will be in pain soon because it looks like her quicks go right to the end of her nails. So, I've organized things so that I take them for an hour walk every second day, and then just a short 15 minute stroll around the block on the in-between days. I'd feel too badly having them cooped up in the house all day - that's not fair to them either.

There were Tim Bits (you know, doughnut holes from Tim Hortons) in the office lunch room today and they were delicious. I haven't had those in a while!

It's Friday the 13th... for some reason that matters to some people. Just thought I'd mention.

I'm on Twitter for some reason, so if you feel like finding out what I talk about on there, feel free to add me. My username there, here, and everywhere is the exact same... jumpinglegacy. Because I once had a horse named Legacy who enjoyed jumping. Now you're informed.

There's a commercial on the radio right now that says "I got tired of taking the Vitamin D pills through the winter so now I'm going to _________ tanning studios to get my Vitamin D naturally". Did I hear that right? Did that commercial actually claim that a coffin with a whackload of radiation-emitting light bulbs that plugs into a wall is "natural"? Why don't they mention that tanning beds are also a natural source of skin cancer, wrinkles, damage to the eyes, and immune system changes? Last I checked, a walk around the block on a sunny day was the natural way to get Vitamin D. What has the world come to?

guitar, walking, commercials, moving, apartment, dogs, twitter

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