Jun 27, 2005 21:08
So this weekend, I headed up to
Keisha's house for Sunday and Monday. It was lots of fun, though we
didn't get to ride because of the heat :-(
On Sunday, Keisha picked me up and we headed up to her house. On the
way we stopped @ this really cool places called Ulhmans (sp?) which had
wicked good icecream. Of course I had to get vanilla becuase I'm just
special like that an all. haha we sat in the heat for about 3seconds
and our ice-cream was melting! After that we stopped and went and
visited Keisha's horse Dolly (so cute btw) and her mom's horse Jack
(who is also very pretty....and Keisha thinks he's the best horse in
the world ;-)) Since it was soo stinkin hot we gave them bathes. Hahah
Dolly of course rolled as soon as she was put back out, which kinda
defeated the purpose of cleaning her, but at least she was cooled off!
So then it started to thunder and lightning which wasn't good becuase
me + Keisha wanted to go swimming.
When we got to her house and I met CHICKEN! hahah who is actually a
parrot. He's sooo cute, and he'll sit on your shoulder (if he likes you
haah) and he goes in the shower and on car rides. He/She....hahah they
don't really know his gender sometimes bites, and sometimes poops on
your shoulder, but he's adorable! She also has a cat who looks very
similar to Inky named Sinder. Hahah I find it a tiny bit ironic that
before we got Inky her name was Suit. Heheh Sinder and Suit....hahah
ok, i'm good! After a while we called the pool again and they said it
was still open, unless they heard more thunder. So out we went again
and had a nice dip in the pool! I dived...OFF THE DIVING BOARD and A: I
didn't kill myself and B: It was a decent dive ;-) Hahah, but everytime
I dove, my bathiing suit top would like fall off....wasn't a pleasant
sight. After swimming we went back to the barn and turned the horses
in/ mucked their stalls. The car kinda stunk lol because we had to
transport stall cleaning equipment. After that we got really good
chicken fingers, fries, and pizza. Hahah I think we only ate like 2
pieces of pizza since we filled up on fries and chicken fingers. See,
Keisha is one of my Law and Order buddies, so that's basically what we
watched all night long...it was pretty much on almost every hour!
The next morning...we went out and turned out the horses/mucked their
stalls. The horses had just moved on Sat. so everything was new to
them! When we got home, we sat around for a little more and watched Law
and Order and ER! hahah we're addicted. Then we went to the
pool...AGAIN and swam somemore. This time there were lots of people,
including some day camps. Hahah I wore a bekini (bad idea...especially
since Anna really doesn't have the body for it....but its all good)
Everytime I like jumped into the water, I had to make sure my bathing
suit was still on....me and Keisha had "bathing suit issues". See, i'm
a bit paranoid which my back but I noticed @ the pool, when peple bend
over their spine usually sticks out....see, mine doesn't lol. I had a
long conversation with Keisha about how screwed up my back is, and its
true. I'm like Fritz, in which you could have like a picnic on my back!
We took lots of pictures of us diving....which some turned out decent
so i'll put those up.....Finally, we went home, hung out with Chicken
for awhile and then my mom came and picked me and brought me home. We
stopped @ Bluestone because Susan was going out to dinner and the
horses jad been brought in @ 3. Fritz was soo sweaty, I felt wicked bad
for him. Once we were home...again.... i realized that all the swimming we had done really helped my back. I
guess he's been hosed down every night before dinner which is really
good for him. So back to the pool I went :-) to Rosemary tho.
It's kind of a yucky pool, but it worked for me. I like it there. I got
a membership pass for the yr, so I can go swimming all the time. After
swimming we went to Annie's and brought in the horses and gave Dreamy
and Madison their "new" Likets that Keisha gave me! She seemed to be
distracted by her grain. Madison tho was having a ball with his! Then
we went back to Bluestone and found that the horses had been turned in
and there was a note saying that they had been fed....which I then
realized they had been fed a 2nd time! ooops! Oh wells, i'm sure Fritz
didn't mind.
Ya so that was my day, and I still have 30 mins until CSI: Miami comes
on! My back is starting to hurt from sitting.....yeah, thats
right...sitting. So i'm gonna go to something...i dunno wut, but i'll
~Already missing yaz Gacey~