New vidding challenge: "Take 2" poll/discussion post

Aug 26, 2014 21:43

Hi Vidders!

anoel and I were talking the other night about how we thought it would be fun to re-edit some of our old vids, just to see how we'd make them differently now, which turned into a conversation about possibly doing it as a community. I mentioned it on twitter and got a lot of feedback from other vidders/vidwatchers saying they thought it would be really fun, so we should totally do this.

This is still in the early planning stages, but I'm pretty confident with what the guidelines will be: The remake must use the same song, fandom, and general idea of the original vid. I'm still unsure about allowing remixes/covers of the song or allowing footage that may have aired after the original vid was made. Right now I think I want to leave that up to the vidder, but I would love some input on that, as well as any other ideas you might have.

Finally, timing! As much as I wish I thought of this idea two months ago, I did not, so I'm not sure when the best timeframe would be for everyone. Anyone who is interested in participating, please vote in the poll and/or leave a comment with your thoughts.


challenge: take 2

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