Vid: The Way We Get By (Broad City)

Aug 11, 2014 17:57

Fandom: Broad City
Title: The Way We Get By
Song: "The Way We Get By" by Spoon
Length: 2:38
Summary: "I really think you should put weed in your front hole."
Notes: For the Femslash show at Vividcon 2014, and especially for kiki_miserychic. Warning for quick, bright flashes in the first 5 seconds.

MP4 Download (24MB) (right click & save)
MOV Download (142MB) (right click & save)

Vimeo Password: vaginapot


There is SUCH A LACK of Broad City fanworks! There is a total of one fic (that I've been able to find, at least) and not a single vid (until now!). That completely blows my mind, because fandom clearly loves it with all the gifs going around on Tumblr, and it is a show about two awesome ladies who have zero shame, and one character is canonically in love with the other. What else do you need, fandom?? Throw me a bone! Anyway, that was what prompted me to make this vid, and kiki_miserychic announcing her Femslash vidshow was what motivated me to do it now. The song came very easily, as did the timeline -- the most trouble I had was matching up the aspect ratios of the webseries to the TV show, because I kind of had to trust my eyeballs on that. I was glad to hear that this worked as a recruiter vid for people who haven't seen the show, and that the people who have seemed to really enjoy it.

premiere: themed vidshow, year: 2014, fandom: broad city, vividcon, vid: the way we get by

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