Army Noodles And Ketchup

Oct 04, 2009 05:58

So hi. This ended up turning into something an insane person would write about themselves. I don't even know what happened. It's kind of a long read. Also it's 7am and I haven't slept, so be a pal and ignore the inevitable typos and anything that doesn't make sense. I felt the need to add a DISCLAIMER lol, how exciting! (so much jackassery and comma splices, I'm sorry.)

Name: Ari
Age: twenty two (twenty three this upcoming Saturday!)

1./ If you could have one job, what would it be?
Any job? Well then I'm going to pick one from my vault of childhood dreams. I want to be Indiana Jones. Or an international thief. Or Batman. Yes, I want Batman as a career. But since that's never going to happen, I'd love to work in film. Either in acting, writing, directing, or editing. I'm not great at making one decision and sticking with it, I had way too many majors in my career as a college student if that tells you anything. BUT FILM, something in that field, anything, and I'd be happy. I wouldn't say no to being a writer, although I think I'm more enamored with the idea of being a writer.

2./ What are your four worst qualities?
Only four? Trust me, that's a long list waiting to happen. (1) I try my best to bottle up my negative emotions, and am pretty non-confrontational, but I sometimes just let loose. Fear my bouts of red mist, you guys. When I rage, I'm a bitch who doesn't pull my punches, I go for the jugular. (2) Intelligent but I either don't use it to my full potential or I use it for things I shouldn't, or if it's something that doesn't matter as much to me/bores me/something I'm not good at, then I don't really try my hardest with it. I say 'fuck it' way too often and I'm unmotivated a lot of the times, plus I tend to jump from one thing to the next without really finishing anything. (3) I have a tendency of being careless with other people's feelings, sometimes I tease too hard or I'm too sarcastic or I'm just too self-involved. (4) Terrible at math. (Yeah, so that might not have been just four, but I grouped them into four, thanks to comma splices, that's got to count for something.)

3./ What are your four best qualities?
(1) I'm quirky & totally comfortable with my geekiness. (2) I'm really smart and a quick learner, I've got a good memory for facts/trivia/reference/etc, and I'm constantly pouring over books. If something interests me, I am all over it, absorbing everything and soaking up the knowledge. (3) I'm actually really insightful. I guess I'm good at reading people and I'm pretty self aware (ie: my faults). I'm not exactly all things zen about it, but I don't kid myself. (4) I'm ace at making people laugh. Sometimes it's at inappropriate times, but hey, good comedic timing is good comedic timing. And I realize it's about half and half, people laugh with me just as much as people laugh at me. Eh.

4./ Describe yourself in five words or fewer.

5./ Describe your leadership style.
Having gone through elementary, middle, and high school at the same school and with most of the same people, ask anyone and they'll tell you it's better if I'm not actually in charge. It's not that our efficiency is low or the work isn't good, I'm just..aggressively competitive and getting the job done is more important that any personal feelings; if I feel that you're not contributing to anything or that you're not taking it seriously, I'll call you the fuck out. As I've gotten older, I've gotten better at dealing with the people aspect of it, I've mellowed out, I think. I'm less of a dick to people, more friendly and encouraging and uh, nice.

6./ How do you think others would describe you?
Neurotic, hilarious, quirky, enthusiastic, garrulous to a fault, charismatic, temperamental, raffish, sarcastic/caustic, intimidating when I'm in an antisocial mood apparently, passive-aggressive, a whole lot of bark and one hell of a bite, loyal, gives good advice, has some premium dance moves (we have a lot of dance parties) and way too much pop culture knowledge, good at drinking games. My friends are awesome people, really helpful and all that.

7./ When under a lot of pressure, how do you manage it?
Chainsmoking and insane organization and little to no sleep (I'd rather do what needs to be done now, pushpushpush, and things like eating or sleeping can wait! Rock it like a hurricane and then after a job well done pass out for a couple of days and then get that victory dinner.) and multitasking as a way of life. I'm a chronic procrastinator so it's usually my own fault for the sudden pressure. I'll bitch and complain (and when things get a little too crazy for my iron fist control issues, I will threaten your life or property) but I lovelovelove working under pressure. The night before a huge project/paper is due I will hate myself and my life and every decision I have ever made, but the work I'll put out will be amazing and something I can be proud of.

8./ Pick one that describes you the best.

a./ Introvert or Extrovert (self-motivated or action/people-motivated):
It's definitely a situational thing for me, but I guess I'm more extroverted. I can be real apathetic but give me a challenge or push in the right direction and it's all 'eye of the tiger' from then on. I do so much better with people than with myself.

b./ Logical or Intuitive (go with concrete fact or trust your gut):
Logical up to a point but I will never ever ignore a gut feeling no matter how big or small.

c./ Thinking or Feeling (follow your head or follow your heart):
Again, situational. Feelings up to the point where I know, deep down where it hurts, that I have to go with my head on this one because sometimes feelings lie and blind you to what you know needs to be done.

d./ Shy or Outgoing:
At first glance, I'm a bit quiet, a little standoffish. I really do like meeting people and while I have a tendency of being outgoing, I prefer to hang back and observe first, get a feel for people before making that social splash. I'm frequently that person surrounded by people laughing and breaking into song and buying everyone a round of drinks, it just take a bit of time to get to that point with me. And really, it's only when I have something to "hide" behind, a book or headphones, something that makes it so I don't have to be with others, that I'll let myself be as antisocial as I want to be.

e./ Optimistic or Pessimistic:
Mostly optimistic but I can be quite the skeptical pessimist when I want to be; good days and bad days. There isn't really one happy medium for me, when I'm optimistic, I'm obnoxiously so, when I'm pessimistic I can harsh the entire room's happy mellow.


9./ How do you show that you care about others?
Actions speak louder with words, which is awesome because I have trouble saying those words sometimes (those three damn words and my frequent inability to say them can help account for every failed relationship, sigh), you gotta break down that wall and then you're golden. To most people, I'll joke and tease and push and touch them, I'll help them out, do little thoughtful surprises for them, that sort of thing. To people I'm closer to, I'll talk, not just about my feelings, but myself. I trust you and care about you enough to let you know and see who I really am.

10./ Give us a quote.
I used to feel so alone in the city. All those gazillions of people and then me, on the outside. Because how do you meet a new person? I was very stumped by this for many years. And then I realized, you just say, "Hi." They may ignore you. Or you may marry them. And that possibility is worth that one word. (→ Augusten Burroughs)

11./ Who is your hero and why? (Does not have to be anyone famous.)
Oh god, you know when you're filling out college applications and you get to the essay part? Pick two of the seven available prompts and write an essay, etc etc, and there's always the hero one? Yeah, I never pick that one. I'm inspired by many people and I've idolized quite a few, but I don't think I have an actual 'hero'.


1./ Favourite soldier in Easy Company. Why?
I guess it's safe to assume that saying 'pretty much everyone' isn't quite specific enough of an answer? It's the truth, though. So many guys I fell in love with, and for different reasons. I don't think I can narrow it down to only one. Five, maybe, I think I could do five. Roe, Welsh, Speirs, Luz, Nixon.

2./ Favourite episode or favourite chapter in the book. Why?
Bastogne. Emotionally exhausting to watch, but all that indomitable human spirit in the face of war and winter and the feeling of hopelessness. It's so quiet and heartbreaking but oh. The little moments where they can just breathe, the instant selflessness whenever it was needed, and the little scenes of the guys just being alive and together and kind of happy still. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS, I love this episode.

3./ If you had been alive in World War Two and eligible for military service, what branch would you have joined? What job would you have wanted (infantry, artillery, medic, pilot, at all.)? Why?
I don't have the stomach for piloting, trust me, I don't even do roller coasters. Going down is fine (hahaha that's what she said! What? YOU WERE ALL THINKING IT DON'T EVEN LIE) but the whole up and down, up and down? Augh. I think most likely infantry. I think I have enough mettle to handle it. Could I shoot a guy in a combat situation? I like to think so. Not to blow my own horn but I think I'd be pretty awesome at intelligence. HOWEVER, I'd rather be out there shooting people and actually making that difference. I want to be in the thick of things. Let me get my own hands dirty. As far as being a medic is concerned, I think I could emotionally distance myself enough to do what I had to do, could throw myself into danger to help save someone.

4./ Okay, so now you're in the military. What is the one thing you want to send or bring home from Europe?
Oh man. I'm seriously one of those pack-ratting, knickknack collecting hoarders who's house is full of random shit that I can't seem to part with. Remember pogs, from your middle school days? I was fucking ace at pogs, I'd blow your mind and take my winnings all in one go. I still have all those hundreds of pogs in a shoebox. Every journal from elementary school rubber banded together, every note I was ever passed kept safe in Lisa Frank folders, all my cassettes and vhs tapes, I can't get rid of that shit. Silly, stupid nostalgia. Judge me for my materialism, but things, things you can hold in your hand, those help tell a story of where you've been, of what you were in that part of your life. Also I love yard sales/garage sales/estate sales, you can find really interesting stuff people are basically just giving away! So, you know, I'd bring back quite a lot of stuff with me.

5./ The war in Europe is over. Would you be willing to go fight in the Pacific? Why or why not?
If I lived long enough to make that decision, I think I'd ultimately choose to stay with my guys. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do back home. I'm a quitter, I don't finish things. If I finally find something I'm good at and I'm with the people who're important to me, I wouldn't want that to just be another thing I walk away from.

6./ What are your plans for when you return home?
In this order: A long, hot, self-indulgent bath, a homecooked meal, a full night's rest, and then the next few days are spent having wonderful, comfortable sex. Oh jeez, yeah I'd definitely see my family and friends, haha wow I'm not that much of an asshole wot forgot about them. After my first week of that? I have no idea. Here's hoping I don't become a knife-fighting hobo and that I'll get a job that I don't hate. Maybe I'll get married, maybe I'll stay a bachelor, who knows? I'd like to finally take that roadtrip across America, from east coast to west.

I'm not going to apologize for how long this ended up being, I mean, too much is better than not enough, right? I was being helpful. Maybe I just got carried with talking about myself. WHATEV WHATEV. THE POINT IS: not going to apologize, but I will say THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS AND FOR ROCKING THE VOTE. Thanks guys. ♥

stamped: lewis nixon

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