Title: Imperfection
Author: O'Neill
Series: Whistle!
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Tournament
Unexpectedly, Mizuno has no ball control. It's not that he doesn't try, but even his best efforts are in vain. The worst part is the unwavering trust and support that shine in Kazamatsuri's eyes every time he returns in defeat.
"I'm sorry, Kazamatsuri. Because of me . . ."
"It's not over yet, Mizuno-kun! We still have a chance, so don't give up!"
"That's incorrect," Fuwa interrupts, impassive as usual. "Mizuno has 67 points, and it's already the ninth frame. For you, victory has become a mathematical impossibility."
"Sorry, Pochi." Shige's grin, however, is anything but regretful. "Looks like the okonomiyaki's on you guys tonight."
Stretching the challenge topic like mad. Er, sorry?