When I came back to Sing in 2003, m'girl and I would be at Project Shop Blood Brothers Cafe everytime we were in town. It was a cosy place with design and architectural mags, great food and desserts. We'd try get a table by the window even though there wasn't much in the way of people watching since it overlooked quiet Bideford Road. It made up for the afternoons we used to spend at Hard Rock Cafe gazing at the stylish crowd along Canton Road in Hong Kong (better than nothing).
About two years ago or so, Project Shop dropped the 'Blood Brothers' part out of its name with the eatery becoming just 'Project Shop Cafe'. I'd tell people it used to be 'Blood Brothers Cafe' but they couldn't believe an eating place would choose such a gruesome name (not gruesome at all, if one were familiar with the term to mean 'friends that became as brothers'). This afternoon I came across an ancient (well, 2003) creditcard slip - PROOF! I know the card number is there too, but this card was cancelled long ago, so.. (aditedit: no more number. tried out photobucket's fotoflexer, hmm.. funnn. :)