Armand / Daniel Part Five VC fanfiction

Apr 30, 2010 17:27

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Fandom; Vampire Chronicles
Pairing; Armand and Daniel
Rating; R


When Daniel awoke the next evening he found cloths had already been laid out for him. Upon the gray blazer was a note;

Darling Daniel,

I have made arrangements for us to leave NY, we fly to Atlanta at dusk, please be ready when I arrive.


Daniel was eager, as always, for a departure, but at the moment could think of nothing besides the splitting headache he probably deserved. He took some aspirin with a large glass of water, searching for the vodka he knew he’d left on the counter, but it was no where to be seen. He’d used the old ‘hair of the dog’ remedy to good effect in the past, but clearly Armand had taken the bottle, so Daniel was forced to settle for water. With a sigh he set about getting ready for his demon companion, who, according to the letter should be arriving shortly.

True to his word, Armand arrived just after dusk looking daper as always in a navy suit similar to the gray one he’d chosen for Daniel. He didn’t knock, but entered the suite confidently, greeting Daniel with the now customary kiss on the lips.

“I knew you’d clean up well, Daniel you look delicious!” Armand smiled in greeting, his hands on Daniel’s shoulders.

Daniel fought the urge to say ‘bite me’ not being a fan of puns, even sarcastic and clever puns, and feeling sure that Armand was not up to date on the modern teenage vernacular. Instead he opted to take immediate advantage of Armand’s proximity, closed the gap between them and insisted on kissing. He was rewarded with indulgence, and the gentle voice in his mind, 'you are delicious, darling, somehow I knew you would be, but we must go the plane awaits.' Armand broke off from Daniel’s mouth, kissed his neck with a tight squeeze and then pulled away.

“Do you need your things here, or can we leave them?”

Daniel gestured to a small suitcase, “Just that, the rest is unimportant.” Armand took the suitcase in one hand, pressed the small of Daniel’s back with the other and led them out the door.

“Why Atlanta?” Daniel questioned.

Armand shrugged, “It’s hot there now, practically tropical. I’ve never been there. And, there is a touring production of Les Miserables I’d like to see playing at the Fox Theatre, three very good reasons I believe. I’ve hired a plane so that we arrive in time for the musical.” Armand lead Daniel to a black Lincoln Town car, equipped with it’s own driver.

“I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.” Daniel admitted, and climbed into the car. There was even a privacy screen between the front and back seats. It made him think of Hollywood. He looked for a mini bar, but no such luck. It was alright, with Armand at his side and travel on the horizon he didn’t really feel the need to drink anyway, but would have, out of habit.

The car rolled heavily along the crowded NY streets, toward the private plane that awaited them. Daniel was not thrilled at the prospect of sitting through a musical, but was eager to have Armand to himself for an entire night. He was fascinated by the angelic demon seated next to him.

“Daniel, don’t be discouraged, you might like it.”

“Like what?”

“The musical, of course, Les Miserables, are you familiar with it? I understand it’s quite famous.” Armand answered smoothly.

“Ah, yes. Jean val Jean, French revolution, Cosette and Marius, I know it. There’s a lot of singing involved, I assure you. I’m not complaining, I’m happy to go with you, I just would not have chosen it.” Daniel replied, taking his eyes off Armand momentarily to gaze out the dark window. They were approaching the busy airport, from a private road no less. How, he wondered, had Armand arranged this treatment? He could get used to it, of that he was certain.

The interior of the plane was even more impressive than the car. The seats reminded him of lazy boy recliners, and there was a card table with cup holders. Classy. Armand sat in one of the luxurious seats, it’s size dwarfing his figure, making him look even smaller than he was. Daniel wanted to climb into the chair with him, there seemed to be room enough for two. Armand picked up on the though, as per usual.

“Your appetite for me is endearing,” Armand chimed, opening his arms to Daniel’s silent request. Daniel slid into the plush cushions next to him, boldly pulling the vampire partially into his lap as he did so. Armand draped his leg over Daniel’s, turning slightly to face him.

“Your appetite for me is disappointing.” Daniel complained, slipping his arms around Armand’s waist.

“Don’t be stupid, would you rather be dead? You don’t think when you speak sometimes.” Armand chided, but gently.

Daniel remained unaffected, and began to unbutton Armand's jacket. The vampire only watched him. Daniel opened the jacket, and proceeded to the buttons of his vest, and then to the small navy buttons on his crisp white shirt, only to be met with a silk undershirt, regretfully lacking buttons. He slid his hand underneath the layers as close to the cool skin as he could, and found Armand’s nipple under the silk, pulling at it gently.

“So you would be the seducer then, Daniel?” Armand tipped his head back and breathed in deeply as Daniel’s fingers made lazy circles around his nipple, he closed his eyes. Daniel continued, occasionally flicking the hard nub harshly, prompting a gasp from Armand. “Oh Darling Dear my appetite for you is enormous, if you only knew the restraint I practice now, you’d fashion me a saint!” Daniel let his hand trail down the vampire’s stomach, and to the fasteners on his trousers, but found his hand trapped by one much stronger than his own.

“Why stop me now?” Daniel pressed, he felt Armand squeeze his hand, the surprisingly he moved it back to his own nipple and then freed it. Obligingly, Daniel continued to fondle the nipple.

“I didn’t ask you to stop. In fact, I like that very much. But I don’t think you’re ready for more just now. Trust my judgement and be patient, but never think that I don’t want you when quite the opposite is true.” Armand met his eyes, his lips parted, and Daniel could just see the tips of those deadly fangs peeking out. Daniel held the nipple between his fingers and rolled it slowly, meeting Armand’s gaze.

“You tease me.” Said Daniel and he pinched Armand’s nipple as hard as he could, but didn’t get the reaction he sought. Armand did not flinch, his smile widened, revealing the monstrous eye teeth. He leaned forward into the pinch, willing Daniel to be cruel, to press tighter. Daniel released him, overwhelmed.

“I can take whatever you have to give Daniel, don’t underestimate me. It’s you who aren’t ready, but don’t worry, I will wait for you, and when you’re ready, I’ll be gentle... mostly.” Armand put his hand to Daniel’s cheek, kissed his lips sweetly, and leaned back. The roar of the jet engines pushed them against their seat as the plane rushed down the runway.


Les Miserables was much like Daniel remembered it to be, long and stuffy. Armand, however, seemed deeply enthralled with it, so much so that Daniel thought the vampire might cry at JaVert’s Suicide. He didn’t cry, but he had taken Daniel’s hand and squeezed it. He held it in his lap for the rest of Act 2, and then joined wildly the standing ovation the musical had inspired. All he wanted to do afterward was discuss the production. What did Daniel think of the set design? What did he think of the acting? Why did Eponine have to die? Which actor did he prefer? Ad naseum. He was relentless with his questions.

“You lived in Paris during the revolution for Christ sake! What did you think of it?” Daniel had asked, but Armand waved him off, more interested in Daniel’s interpretation than his own. Finally, Daniel had grown frustrated and tired and would not cooperate further.

“Oh, you’re just hungry, let’s get you fed and then we can continue our conversation properly!” Armand patted his back and led him onto the downtown streets of Atlanta, searching for a restaurant still open. Daniel wondered what more he could possibly want to know, but agreed that he was hungry.

Much to Armand’s amusement, they’d found a 24 hour Waffle House on the corner of Peach Tree St and Peach Tree Boulevard. He delighted in watching Daniel eat his eggs and toast, the waffle covered in sticky syrup, and most importantly, the coffee that would keep him awake for the rest of the discussion. Armand hounded him with frightful persistency on every detail concerning their theatrical experience. Daniel did his best to answer, but his answers didn’t always meet the vampire’s expectations, and so he’d be asked again. It was irritating.

“Armand, I’m tired, please, I don’t want to talk of the play anymore. Find me a place to sleep! And you, where will you sleep during the day?” He whined.

“Grumpy grumpy Daniel! I have hours still before dawn, and you needn’t know where I lie, but you’re right, I should find a place for you, there are hotels all over, which would you prefer?” Armand took his arm, kissed his cheeks, leaned toward him... such a cuddly vampire when the mood struck him.

“The closest,” said Daniel, pointing to a Holiday Inn, “there is good.”

Daniel found himself in a better mood once they’d checked in and he could sprawl out on the soft bed and rest. He felt Armand taking his shoes off for him. “Tired so soon? Such a pity, darling, I would talk with you until dawn.”

“That would be delightful, lover, if we could occasionally change the subject like a normal conversation. But hours and hours discussing one play is a test of my limited mortal attention span.” Daniel reached for Armand, and smiled when he came, sitting on the bed next to him.

“Alright, I’ll indulge you then, what would you like for us to talk about?” Armand ran his fingers over Daniel’s arm. “There’s time still before I must leave you.”

“How indulgent are you feeling exactly?” Daniel smiled, his violet eyes radiant beneath heavy lids.

“That depends greatly on what you ask of me, doesn’t it?” Armand waited patiently for Daniel’s request.

“Get into the bed with me, please. Just lie down with me for a while. I won’t take advantage of you, I promise.” Flash of white teeth, irresistible smile. Daniel remembered how to work it.

Armand nodded, “So you say, Daniel, I’ll hold you to it, you know. Yes though, I’d be happy to tuck you in, let’s get you undressed.” He pulled Daniel to his feet and began to remove his clothing.

“Are you familiar with the term, ‘mixed signals?’” Daniel asked as the vampire slid his pants off of him leg by leg. Armand pulled down the covers from the bed and gestured for Daniel, clad only in boxers now, to get in.

“Should I be? What does it mean?” Now he was removing his own clothing, looking remarkably innocent considering the circumstances, and he climbed in next to Daniel.

“Come hither, no stop! Touch me, back off! I love you, I hate you, be with me, leave me alone! You know?Mixed signals. You send them to me. It’s aggravating.” Daniel explained. Armand looked perplexed, he slid closer to Daniel, facing him, pressing himself against the length of him temptingly and wrapping him into his arms. Daniel returned the embrace with a chuckle. “See, what does this mean?”

“I don’t understand you, Daniel. I’ve never said, ‘I hate you’, never told you to leave me alone. What would make you think such a thing?” Armand kissed him, then pulled back, awaiting his response.

“I didn’t mean it literally. Think about the concept. You know that I want you, but you persistently tell me no, and yet here you are, mostly naked, in my bed, tempting me!” Daniel kissed him, moaning into his mouth. Armand broke his hold. "See, you're somewhat a prude really, it's unexpected."

“I see, well you invited me into your bed, didn’t you? I believe that would make you a glutton for punishment as you know I will not make love to you just yet. I could leave?” Another kiss, the cool moist feeling of Armand’s tongue in his mouth. Daniel groaned, ran his hands along the flesh of Armand’s back, and he felt himself grow hard, surely the demon in his embrace felt it too.

“Oh but you’re right, I am cruel to you! I should go!” But he made no attempt to break free of the embrace, and Daniel felt unmistakeable hardness pressing against his own. His hips moved forward of their own accord, met by Armand’s and then promptly stopped by a firm hand on his hip. “What do they say Daniel, temptation makes the heart grow fonder?”

“No, I’m pretty certain they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder', absence, but don’t dare leave just yet! I think temptation just makes you all the more irresistible.” Their lips met again, followed by their tongues. The hand on Daniel’s hip tightened its grasp.

“Ah, sweet torture, but we musn’t. You hardly know me really. Don’t you think I at least owe you the time you’ll need to make your decision? Giving your mortal life over to my hands is not something to take lightly. I can be cruel. There are other paths you could take.” Armand looked serious now, and pushed away from Daniel slightly, “It would break my heart to loose you, but I cannot be much more clear with you. I am not good for you. Mortals who spend their time around vampires go mad, inevitably they go mad. I pursued you, yes, I wanted you. I want you now. But I never expected to grow so fond of you, to like you and wish good things for your life. You must admit I’m at an impasse here. I cannot simultaneously wish good things for you and yet remain at your side, knowing what will eventually happen!” For a long moment they just looked at one another. Armand then bridged the gap once more and kissed Daniel chastely.

“You brood Armand. You don’t know that I’ll go mad. I have told you what will happen if you leave me, and that is inevitable my friend, you’ve seen it for yourself twice now. You’ve asked me not to speak of it, but how can I not bring up the obvious third option! Make me a vampire and fear for my sanity no longer! Fear for my frailty no longer. Have me at your side always. Why not?”

“I’d rather you go mad. You have no idea what you’re really asking, you don’t want this, to be dead like me. And I will not bring you into it, I will not make another. Bring it up if you must, but lets not talk about it now please, I don’t want to.”

“You’re adorable when you pout.” Daniel fingered Armand’s bottom lip. Armand bit him.

“I do not pout!”

Daniel yawned and grinned at him, “But you do sometimes, don’t stop just because I’ve noticed it. Pretend I didn’t mention it.”

“You’re tired, you’re delirious, go to sleep, I demand it!” Armand kissed Daniel’s eyelids, one and then the other. “Keep them closed, I will hold you as long as I can, and then I will return again at dusk. I want to go to Amsterdam, that will take almost all night.” Daniel opened his eyes.

“Amsterdam? Whatever you say. Kiss me good night.”

“Whatever you say. Close your eyes, go to sleep.” Armand kissed him, let his lips linger for the longest time and drew away slowly. He pressed one last kiss to Daniel’s forehead, and watched him as he drifted off to sleep.


armand, daniel, armand/daniel, vampire/human, fanfiction, slash, fan fiction, speculative fiction, queen of the damned, vampire chonicles, vc

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