Armand / Daniel Part Four VC fanfiction

Apr 30, 2010 16:09

Author's note; Late for a potluck so no time for one last proof read... sorry if there are typos, as I'm sure there are. I hope you'll overlook them. I'm still in need of a beta. Thank you thank you thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment!

Fandom; Vampire Chronicles
Pairing; Armand and Daniel
Rating; R

Six months later Daniel was growing restless with New York City. It was crowded and filthy and often smelled rotten. He had not seen Armand, and as a result was in a constant state of irritation mixed with varying levels of drunkenness. He rented a flat on the upper west side, near St. John the Divine, and often went walking passed the behemoth cathedral on his way to one of the nearby bars. He was a regular now at several of these bars, and as it was a nuisance to be recognized, he often passed these familiar haunts for new territory. He was beginning to think Armand had lied to him, that he wasn’t coming back, and that he’d planned to abandon him all along.

How cruel that was, to tease him like he did, and then vanish once more, perhaps never to return. Daniel once again began to contemplate the extreme, but the demon had said it might take months, and Daniel supposed that by “months” that he could have meant 6 of them all along, but he should have said it! How difficult would that have been, Daniel, it might even take 6 months. But he was tired of dwelling on it, and ready for the vodka to take all thoughts away.

Tonight Daniel had taken the subway to lower Manhattan, unfamiliar grounds, and stumbled into a bar called McSorley’s, already mostly drunk. He supposed that was good considering this bar only served beer, light or dark, or go somewhere else. Daniel ordered the dark, received two glasses right away, and set out to drinking until he couldn’t remember which way was home. He had a passing thought wondering why he did this to himself, night after night, but it didn’t stop him from the binge. Maybe Armand was out there, somewhere, aware that Daniel was drinking himself to death, and he didn’t care. Or maybe he would swoop in at the last minute, in typical Armand fashion, and put a stop to it. That’s what Daniel thought would happen, and so he had set out to make the last minute come sooner rather than later.

He must have blacked out, because the next thing he could remember, he was stumbling down Broadway, talking to himself. Daniel was usually a quiet drunk, but tonight he was angry, and the few pedestrians left on Broadway at that hour gave him a wide berth. Somewhere along the way he’d acquired a fifth of vodka. He took a big swallow, and cursed Armand to anyone that would listen. His raving had attracted the attention of a patrolling police officer. Daniel didn’t even notice when the man approached him.

“How much have you had to drink young man?” The officer asked Daniel gruffly. Daniel snapped to attention. When he realized what was happening he laughed. Now he would get arrested? This was too rich. He did not answer the question.

The officer was put off by the laughter. “In New York City we have open container laws, which you are currently in violation of, carrying that bottle down the street with you. I’m going to place you under arrest.”

Daniel didn’t have a clear memory of what happened next, or how he got to the holding cell he was now locked in, just that he found the whole process amusing. At some point he had to blow into a breathalyzer tube, but he couldn’t remember what his blood alcohol level was. It wasn’t dangerous enough to send him to an emergency room, and that was a bit disappointing. He found himself seated now on a hard steel bench, in a cement cell with several other men, thankful that no one was feeling chatty.

As the effects of the alcohol slowly dissipated, Daniel began to realize that this predicament was not so much amusing as it was a hindrance to his lifestyle. He wanted the comforts and luxuries of his flat, starting with the toilet. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall, wishing he would just pass out so this night would pass quickly. They’d set bail tomorrow and he’d pay it and be free of this place. He supposed he’d have to hire a lawyer, or fly out of the country, but he’d told Armand he’d be in New York. Then again, Armand had said “months” as if it would only be a couple, not 6, which was actually 3 couples if you did the math, which Daniel did, because he had nothing to do but think.

He was so uncomfortable, he shifted his weight and lowered his head, holding it between his hands and stared at the floor. This wasn’t any better.

Daniel was considering lying on the cold floor when he felt it, Armand’s presence, as surely as he’d already laid eyes on him. Stubbornly he continued to look at the floor. So he would be rescued after all? He supposed that was good, perhaps he should have even been excited, but he was not in the mood to let go of the anger he’d been feeling for months now, not just yet, not until he’d whined about it at least. He heard the metal bars of his prison clank and slide open, then silence, and he waited.

Armand sighed, “Daniel.” Daniel did not look up. “Daniel do not be angry with me, I’m here now and I wish only to take care of you.”

“Where have you been? What kept you so long?” Daniel met Armand’s eyes, deliberately keeping his own cold and uninviting.

“Leave these questions for later, come with me now, don’t you want to be out of here?” Armand open his arms and stepped forward, Daniel rose, stumbled, and was caught in the embrace. Armand wrapped his arm tightly around Daniel’s waist, and placed Daniel’s arm over his shoulders and began to lead him toward the exit. Daniel was drunker than he’d thought, and fought to keep his balance. He looked around the jail, and everyone therein was sleeping. There has to be eight people here, all sleeping at once. He assumed immediately that Armand would have taken care of all traces of his arrest, there would be no lawyer, no court dates for Daniel, not with his own demon protector. Again he was amused, and staggered a bit as Armand lead him out of the building and toward the curb where he awkwardly hailed a taxi.

Daniel slept most of the ride home, surprised as he was to discover that Armand knew exactly where he lived. He let himself be carried up to his flat where Armand deposited him directly in the bathroom and left him alone to attend to matters. Handy to have your own mind reading demon when you had to piss, but that was where privacy ended for once he was done with the toilet he found himself being stripped entirely of his soiled cloths and thrown into the shower with one very naked vampire. He vaguely remembered asking what exactly Armand was doing, but received no answer aside from the blast of hot water that went streaming over his shoulders.

“You are filthy, Daniel.” Armand said as he began to bath him with a soapy wash cloth. Daniel had little time to enjoy this luxury as Armand was all business, lathering his entire body quickly and efficiently, then running his bare hands along Daniel’s flesh, rinsing the soap away. Daniel felt himself grow hard when Armand reached his thighs, and if he wasn’t drunk, he might actually have been embarrassed. As it was he just found himself aroused, wishing Armand would grab him and stroke him.

“I will not be accused of taking advantage of you in this state, Daniel, you put those thoughts aside.” Armand stood in front of him, shampoo bottle in hand, “Close your eyes.”

“I am having trouble standing up with them open, Armand, I will fall over if I close them, my hair is fine just leave it.” Daniel protested.

“No, it’s filthy, hold onto me for balance and close your eyes.” Daniel took Armand by the hips, and shut his eyes with no further complaints. As quickly as he’d washed Daniel’s body, Armand washed and rinsed his hair, and pulled him from the shower. Daniel would have whined, but chose not to make the effort. He stood still and let himself be toweled dry. Armand sat him on the toilet seat and left the bathroom, returning shortly, clothed in black cotton pajamas with a second pair in his arms. With Daniel’s cooperation Armand dressed him carefully and guided him to the bed. He sat Daniel on the edge and handed him a glass of water and what looked like aspirin.

“Drink all of it, you are dehydrated, and take the pills, maybe you’ll be lucky tomorrow and you won’t get the splitting headache you have earned with tonight’s indulgence.” Daniel rolled his eyes, but he drank the water and swallowed the pills.

“Where have you been? Why did you leave me for so long, and how did you know I live here? How long have you been in the city without telling me?” Daniel spit in an accusatory tone, not caring really that Armand had just rescued him from jail, bathed him, and put him to bed so gently.

“Don’t be so harsh with me, you’ve no idea the sacrifices I’ve made to come to you tonight.” Armand stood in front of Daniel, who was still seated on the side of the bed, and continued softly, “You are too quick to judge me.” Daniel could not resist those large brown eyes, staring intensely down on his own, the pout on his perfectly formed mouth, the angelic halo of long auburn curls. The whole picture of Armand made it difficult for Daniel to maintain his anger with any fortitude.

“Then answer my questions! Tell me what kept you, explain it to me and I won’t be so angry!”

Armand walked away, and Daniel felt his anger flare, but Armand was only crossing to the other side of the bed. He climbed in, under the covers, and laid back against the pillow, inviting Daniel to do the same. “Alright, I will make my explanations for you Daniel, but lie down. You need to sleep. I will stay here until dawn to make sure you don’t choke on your own vomit, and in return, I ask you to live safely through tomorrow, yes?”

Daniel liked the way Armand spoke when he was being catty, it made him laugh. He settled into the bed, on his back, looking at the ceiling, and waiting expectantly for whatever excuses would come. Armand rolled onto his side to face Daniel, took his hand, and began,

“I only arrived in NY tonight. I knew where you lived because you knew it, and I pulled it from your mind, not because I’ve been stalking you. If I’d come any sooner I would have greeted you right away. You are the reason I am here after all. And as to where I have been, I don’t wish to discuss it. But I will tell you that I was looking after another, that I felt obliged to do so, and that I would rather have been with you. I felt I had no choice in the matter. I thought of you often, and I did not think it was going to take as long as it did, or I would have prepared you better. I hope you’ll believe me, because it is all true. I don’t want you to be angry with me anymore.” He had spoken quietly, into Daniel’s ear, and now pressed a kiss to his cheek. He let go of Daniel’s hand and draped his arm over his ribcage. Daniel closed his eyes.

“I wish you had more faith in me, but I do not blame you that don’t. I would rather have had a warm reunion, would have liked for you to be glad to see me.”

“If you would just quit leaving me, we wouldn’t have to have any more reunions one way or another.” Daniel reasoned, but his attitude had softened, and he turned his head to accept Armand’s kisses.

“I am no good for you Daniel, but you’re stuck with me now, I cannot stay away from you any longer.” Armand had his mouth on Daniel’s neck now, making Daniel shiver.

“Do it, I want you to.” Armand only continued his kisses, despite Daniel’s invitation.

“Not now Daniel, not while you’re drunk, it’s not time. You should sleep now. I will stay as long as I can, and tomorrow night when I wake, I will come for you and we will leave New York. Gather whatever you wish to bring with you.” Armand kissed him once more and withdrew to his side of the bed, he reached for a book by the bedside table and began to read. Daniel, unfazed by Armand’s dismissal, rolled over onto his stomach, laid his arm over Armand’s chest and closed his eyes. Within minutes he was sleeping the sleep of the heavily intoxicated, and Armand closed his book and put out the light.

armand, daniel, armand/daniel, fanfiction, slash, queen of the damned, vampire chonicles, vc

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