(no subject)

Jul 12, 2008 11:23

so, tuesday night i had to go to the hospital. I woke up because i could hardly breathe; it hurt to take anything more than really shallow breaths. get to the hospital, and after telling them what the problem was, have to wait hours before anything happens. i guess that meant i wasn't dying, so that's good. they did an ekg, an x-ray, and bloodwork, but couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. sent me home with orders to rest and take ibuprofen. cut to yesterday. i was feeling a lot better, but it still hurt to take deep breaths. i work in the morning, no problems. go to a bonfire thinking i can't possibly hurt myself there, well.....did i mention that it hurts to laugh? it does. a lot. and i'm hanging out with some crazy people. about a half hour into the bonfire, one of my friends has me on the ground i'm laughing so hard. i get shooting pain through my lung and think "oh shit what did i just do??" Turns out i'm ok. More than ok, actually, because now i can breath normal again with absolutely no pain. My conclusion was that I had dislocated my rib, and because of all the pressure from laughing, somehow re-located it. Either way, I felt a million times better and was able to enjoy the rest of the night. When I finally got home however, i was starting to feel sore again and i could feel gurgling in what seemed to be my lung. oh, and i was feeling really short of breath. great....just what i need. the gurgling increased when i lied down, so i arranged my pillows to keep my upper body elevated as much as possible, and went to sleep. maybe i should have gone to the hospital again, idk, but i really didn't feel like dealing with it at night again. anyways, i wake up this morning and the gurgling is gone. excellent! the bad news is that i'm still short of breath, and whenever i take a deep breath i get a new pain that feels like a needle is being shoved into my lung. so i STILL have no idea what the hell's wrong with me.
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