My birthday was so amazing. I think it can be summed up in five pictures. Ready? Go:
It was a pirate party. And there were cupcakes with jellyfish on them. I ate them, tough-style.
There were so many amazing people there. I couldn't even believe it. Camille's apartment has never been so burstingly full of love.
People even wore costumes! Sort of. Loved it!
Seriously, the volume of people overwhelmed me. It's so flattering to think everyone was there for me! I do know the reality is that it was a party and something to do, but still... many people!!!
And finally... nearly everyone gave me jellyfish gifts. Some... more obscure and morbid than others. But overall, I loved everything. Everything!
I'm listening to this incredible mix that Jeff and Pele (who I'd NEVER EVEN MET BEFORE) made me. It's entitled Cindy the Jellyfish and the Voyage to Hawaii. Not only is it a concept mix about Cindy, a 16 year old jellyfish, going from Antarctica to Hawaii, but they also made an incredible cd insert with the story outlined and all this wonderful art. I absolutely adore it.
My friends are so amazing!
That's all for the birthday info.
My hot water heater is broken. I can't shower. I stayed out late last night and didn't have a chance to go to Camille's and shower. Thus I am somewhat dirty today. I went all middle-ages and heated up some water in a bowl to wash my face last night. Well... I used the microwave to heat it, so it wasn't that middle-ages, but you get the idea. I'm wondering if I can do that and wash my hair... hmm. If I somehow drown in a bowl in my bathroom sink... avenge me. And by avenge me I mean, destroy my hot water heater and all its broken parts.
The Punisher game is brutal. And my new favorite game. You can choke someone with your shotgun, then toss it aside, pull out your knife, and slit their throat. YES. I don't really ask for much in a game. Besides constant, irrational violence.
I'm so happy lately! It's awesome.