Eastern weekend fanmeet!! The vids!

Apr 13, 2009 23:09

Here are some of the vids from the swedish fanmeet!

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How should I explain this one? Hmm well me and chi-chun where goofing about after watching the five in the black concert. I am gonna put some english subs on the vid cus the stuff we say is pure LOL

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Chaeck out those huge pics! Projectors rock and it rocks even more that you can poke at passing nipples lol, the hand belongs to babyclouds

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our dear fc appa aka hitomito filmed us as we where spazzing like mad. Well sleep deprevation and to much bangy does have the effect, cryng one moment cus we are watching "proud" and micky is crying to the next minute laughing like maniacs cus we are so emo....

Last but not least, my shame:

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I lost the freacking memory card game (yes it is bangy cards!) so this was my punishment.....

More to come later!

video, fanevent, tvxqsweden fc, tvxq

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