Eastern weekend fanmeet!!

Apr 13, 2009 14:43

So TVXQSweden FC had our first fanevent. It was so much fun! As always we dedicated us to TVXQ, watched concerts, listened to music, discussed Junsu's ass ans spazzed a whole lot!

We took loads of pics and filmed. Here is the first batch

Me and babyclouds on our way to the event!

We camewhore á la Jääjång!! LOL

hitomito and 
chi_chun making some sushi!!

Having some fun with the projector!

*sigh* Changmin!!

LOL yeah we had a lot of fun with the projector and the pics hehehe

More pics to come as well as some vids!!

I just want to thank all the girls that came to the event! It was loads of fun!!!!

fanevent, tvxqsweden fc, picspam, spazz

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