Jan 19, 2005 17:18
So my last update was Nov 24th 2004.
So I am currently at Amanda's apartment waiting for her to pop out a kid. I called her on my lunch break at work yesterday at 5:00pm and was standing in her apartment at 8:15pm. Super fast. Since then Amanda has been having contractions but not close enough together to go into the hospital. So Amanda, Erik, and I are just chillin. Watching Judge Judy. Woo Hoo! It really sucks watching Manda have these contractions and not being able to do anything about it. I am glad I'm here though. I feel better at least. Just today I have already made a cake and two dozen cookies. I figure i'll make toffee before I leave or i'll get beat down.
Anyway there is a lot more going on that I dont feel like talking about right now and will go into later. for now. Amanda is having contractions, more to come.
all my love,