It's cool, it's cool...

Apr 06, 2006 17:25

Before the long journey into the time warp aka vortex that I call home in WV, I had a visitor.

Let me give you some backstory here. Around four years ago, I was pretty active in this online group called Federation Intelligence. I met a lot of friends through there that I still have to this day. Mostly I liked to play around in the forums and make up little stories with these characters we'd created and such and in this forum, I met a character named Zeiion Klex. We started talking one day in the forum and had pretty much the same sense of humor and were from them buddies in there.

We could spend hours in the forum amusing ourselves with the silly little games and making up stories and just causing mayhem in the forums. It was a blast. During this time we also chatted outside of the forum and it was always great fun. He introduced me to Strong Bad and therefore a whole other aspect of life. hahaha make a long story turned out that circumstances and life got in the way and we lost contact for a very long time. Well, this year, I'd had enough. I decided that I was going to find him. I remembered where he said he worked and so I looked up the number and called and asked for him and sure enough...he still worked there, but wasn't there that day.

Finally we touched base and have been talking off and on since then via phone and finally felt more like old times when we chatted via gmail one day!!

Anyways, he had some vacation time and so he came here for the weekend and it was awesome!! He was much bigger than I had imagined, towering over both me AND Candi!!!

We went to eat at On the Border, went to Drag Bingo, a birthday cookout and just hung out and were silly just like we used to be!! It was REALLY great seeing him and being able to catch up and talk about life. I am really glad that he was able to come and I hope that it's not another 4 years before I see him again...haha.

Take care buddy...I am glad you had fun while you were here!! You know I love ya!! 8HUGS...T


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