Really cool

Nov 09, 2005 23:39

Last night I went to this event called the UNC Dance Marathon Battle of the Bands because Starting Tuesday was performing. *squee*

I will dedicate a post to the bands that I was introduced to last night, but this is a post that just had to be made today. The first band that played was called "Weapons of Mass Distraction." Three of the four guys in the band are in grad school and the lead singer, Daniel is studying Developmental Genetics/Molecular Biology...not what I expected. hahaha

That aside...he's a really nice guy and we emailed back and forth and added one another to MySpace today and I saw that he had posted a bulletin entitled: Starting Tuesday

Naturally, I am gonna read it and I was just really bursting with pride and had to immediately email the guys. Here's what the bulletin said:


We were in a "Battle of the Bands" last night and got our asses handed to us on the back of a PRS (guitar reference for those not in the know - damn I'm witty).

Anyway, it was fun and we played with some great bands. The one that won wasn't the best, but they had more friends there, c'est la vie.

However, the band that should have won is a band called "Starting Tuesday". They were absolutely amazing. Check 'em out if you're bored.

That was soooooooo cool of him, I thought anwyays!!!!!!!!! I was just so impressed with him for that and so proud of the guys...I can't even tell you. I felt like a mother when her kid gets a compliment from their teacher or something. hahahaha.

Anyways...just had to share that....ahhh...I feel better now.

weapons of mass distraction, starting tuesday

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