Music Truisms

Nov 09, 2005 23:13

It's funny how you find some of the most profound things where you least expect them.

The other night I was at this little tavern called "Linda's" that we love to go to because it's a nice atmosphere without the half naked college girls and their loud jock boyfriends. Anywho...Dennis the bar owner had given JP a book of matches and I somehow got my hands on it over the course of the night and the outside said: Music Truisms.

Now...anyone who knows me knows that I couldn't possibly resist opening that baby up and seeing what it had to say. When I read loved it. I really did. the end of the night, JP gave it to me cause well...he's cool like that.

Curious yet? haha.

Here's what it said inside:

Your brain thinks in words -- your soul thinks in music.



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